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他的问题部分是体制性的。Part of his problem is systemic.

现在我要谈到系统性作用了I'm talking about systemic effects.

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陈澄的研究未注意系统性。Chen Li's researching isn't systemic.

原发性系统性淀粉样变的治疗Treating primary systemic amyloidosis

香根草是一种全身是宝的植物。Vetiver is a systemic plant is a treasure.

我不认为我有一个系统性的观点。I don't think I have a systemic sort of view.

夏天全身皮肤过敏是什么原因?Summer what reason is systemic skin allergy ?

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全身的过敏性也曾有报道。A systemic anaphylaxis has also been described.

氟吗啉是新型内吸性杀真菌剂。Flumorph is a newly invented systemic fungicide.

速保利是一种新型三唑类内吸性杀菌剂。Diniconazole is a new systemic triazole fungicide.

儿子癫痫一发作,全身就出血点。Epileptic son of an attack on the systemic bleeding.

规律而温和的运动才是最好的生理系统调节者。Regular mild exercise is the best systemic normalizer.

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现在你明白为什么我要说到系统性作用了Now, you can see why I'm talking about systemic effects.

但是许多雷曼的活动没有系统性的重要性。But many of Lehmans' activities had no systemic importance.

在一名患者伴随有基底脑膨出,这是唯一之系统异常发现。Basal encephalocele in one patient was the only systemic finding.

产前诊断工作是一个涉及面广的系统工程。Antenatal diagnosis is a systemic project concerning many aspects.

激素治疗痛性眼肌麻痹有效。Systemic steroid therapy was effective for painful ophthalmoplegia.

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这些研究的不足之处主要是缺乏系统、深入的宏观性研究。The past researches mainly lack in deeply systemic and macro study.

比及干扰素更能导致全身反应。It is also known to promote more systemic reactions than interferon.

系统、规范的围手术期治疗可以提高慢性鼻窦炎的治愈率。Systemic and normative operation may improve the rate of curability.