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反叛分子用炸弹炸毁兵工厂。The rebels bombed the munition factory.

血液和血液衍生品被认为是日用品或军需品。Blood and blood derivatives are considered a supply commodity or munition.

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在雷声公司的提案中,为中程弹药选择了一种多用途化学能弹头。In its proposal, Raytheon chose a multipurpose chemical energy warhead for the Mid-Range Munition.

这一张显示的是一处武器弹药设施,该设施位于一个叫做塔吉的地方,内部储存有弹药。This one is about a weapons munition facility, a facility that holds ammunition at a place called Taji.

但在爆炸产生的一秒钟之后,弹药带来的动能和势能就会归零。One second after the explosion, however, both the kinetic and potential energy of that munition go to zero.

“只听”嗖“的一声,一枚15毫米的火箭弹便从缚在他手腕上的弹药箱中飞了出去。With a small whoosh, one of four 15- millimeter projectiles streaks from the munition pod strapped to his wrist.

我们也采访了一些目击者,他们认为此前看到了集束炸弹袭击。And, we interviewed a couple of witnesses who believe that they saw cluster munition attacks on earlier occasions.

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目前炸弹的来源地并且签署了子母弹协议的西班牙没有发表任何声明。There was no immediate comment from Spain, a signatory to the cluster munition convention, on the provenance of the bombs.

这种中程弹药包括一个双模式寻的器套件和一个成像红外传感器以及一个数字化半有源激光寻的器。Mid-Range Munition incorporates a dual-mode seeker suite with an imaging infrared sensor and a digital semi-active laser seeker.

本文主要对攻坚弹药子弹弹道环境进行了初步的试验研究和数值分析。This paper mainly experiment research and numerical analyzed the submunition ballistic trajectory condition of hard structure munition.

这种小型战术弹药是一种13磅重的制导弹药,大约2英尺长,主要部署无人机,是雷神公司最小的空射武器。STM is a 13-pound guided munition that is approximately 2 feet long, making it the smallest air-launched weapon in the Raytheon portfolio.

然而,美国政府告诉Bigelow,这张咖啡桌是人造卫星零件的一部分,同时被认定为军需品。Nonetheless, the American authorities told Mr Bigelow that this coffee table was part of a satellite assembly and so counted as a munition.

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我们参战肯定会进一步增加军火制造商、证券和债券经纪人的钜额利润。The enormous profits of munition manufacturers, stockbrokers, and bond dealers must be still further increased by our entrance into the war.

但问题是,根据康纳尔集束弹药联盟的财富是,“绝大多数仍然住,而且必须如此对待。”The problem, according to Conor Fortune of the Cluster Munition Coalition, is that "The vast majority are still live and have to be treated as such."

毒蛇打击是一种滑行产品,拥有通过GPS制导和半主动式激光追踪器进行精确攻击的能力。Viper Strike is a gliding munition capable of precision attack from extended stand-off ranges using GPS-aided navigation and a semi-active laser seeker.

介绍了弹药慢速烤燃试验方法和评判标准,初步分析了影响弹药慢速烤燃响应的因素。The method and assessment standard of munition in slow cook-off test is introduced and the factors affecting slow cook-off response of munition are analyzed.

不过,据美国媒体11日报道,美国打算向阿联酋出口4900枚“联合直接攻击炸弹”。However, according to the American media 11 days to report, the United States of America intends to United Arab Emirates exit 4900" joint direct attack munition".

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她甚至劝诱温斯顿晚上去做一份与军火有关的兼职,这份兼职是出于热情的党派人士自愿原则而做的。She even induced Winston to mortgage yet another of his evenings by enrolling himself for the part-time munition work which was done voluntarily by zealous Party members.

军需供应是历代官方开发西北经济的动因和动力,隋唐五代也不例外。The supply of munition is the motives and driving force for developing the economy in the west by the governments of past dynasties, not excluding Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties.

本文介绍了用于大面积反装甲的末敏弹的研制现状,并且综述了末敏弹研制中的问题。This paper introduces the present situation of development on the sensor-fuzed munition for destroying armoured targets in large areas, and studies the problems existing in the development process.