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不管她的年龄,琳达是应受尊敬的。Linda is respective in spite of her AGE.

两个小房间做成了他们各自的书房。Two cubbies make it their respective study.

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每一种制动圆盘型号都必须对平衡机进行单独设定。It has to be set up for the respective brake disc type.

那对搭档设了一计以消除各自的债务。The duo set up a scam to settle their respective debts.

两个好朋友到别后各自上路了。The two friends said goodbye and went their respective ways.

中西译论因此有了不同的发展轨迹。And their respective development tracks vary correspondingly.

你需要凯瑟林的部分来启动她的技能吗?Q. Do you need Catherine's Parts to activate respective skills?

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应该用相应的文件权限保护这个文件。This file should be protected with respective file permissions.

你可以在相关的论坛帖子上跟帖。You can also add your comments in the respective forum threads.

一年后这两个数字分别为3.12亿人和273兆字节。A year later the respective figures were 312m and 273 megabytes.

房地产投资风险也随着每一个阶段的变化而变化。Real estate investment risk was undulant with respective phases.

乐师们各自在乐池就座。The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit.

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世间万物自有其各自的行为规则和尺度。Everything in the world has its respective rules and regulations.

品牌及商标归各拥有者所有。Brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

指定品牌及商标归各拥有者所有。Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

但是他提醒道他们都没有完全解决各自的问题。But he cautions that neither solves all of their respective issues.

回收1990年,所有的版权声明去各自的作者。Recycler 1990, All copyright claims go to their respective authors.

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通过勾选复选框为指定的角色授予权限。Select a check box to grant the respective right to the named role.

他们都进私立学校,并追求自己的理想。Both attended private schools and pursued their respective passions.

1956年,各工场归并到相关行业。In 1956, the workshops were merged into their respective industries.