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这听起来可能有点愚蠢或者太简单。It might sound a bit loopy or too simple.

无性的社会是令人费解的。This sexless society is making people loopy.

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你可以唱的很疯,唱到你过瘾为止。You can get really loopy here and sing to your heart's content.

真正的自尊心发是自于能够去享受完整的、充满绕圈的过程。Real self-esteem comes from being able to enjoy the whole loopy ride.

但他在发疯前,可是每次聚会的生命和灵魂哪。"But before he went loopy he was the life and soul of the party, " said Fred.

当作物渐渐被吃完,他们被迫去吃化学物质,这使他们变得疯疯癫癫。As the crops dwindled they were forced to eat chemicals, making them quite loopy.

我想当你做那件缓慢的傻乎乎的小事时,你是想将那些字母大写吗?I guess when you do that slow little loopy thing, that you want to capitalize those letters?

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当我们陷入岁月的牢笼,困惑不安的时候,谁又有心情再去迷失在一幅迷宫图中呢?Why would anyone choose to get mired in a maze when the days encase us, loopy and confusing?

她在线条信纸上写字,她的文字很大而且一圈一圈的,随着她年龄的增长字也越来越大。She wrote on lined stationary and her handwriting was loopy and large, becoming larger as she aged.

多圈螺旋管能够达到比单圈螺旋管更好的有利于分离的颗粒相浓度分布。Loopy curved pipe was better than single curved pipe to profiles of particle concentration phase separation.

我想知道如果这小狗咬我们一口,我们是否根本不会疯掉,是否我们身上都多了一圈史努比的光环?I just wonder if this dog's bite hasn't made us a bit rabid. Is it possible we're all getting a little Snoopy loopy?

按照B部分愚蠢的补偿制度,药费越贵,开药的医生得到的补偿越多。Under Part B's loopy reimbursement system, the more a drug costs, the more the oncologist who prescribes it is paid.

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不理智的事例有日本,在那里,地方政府正为速配提供津贴,以便帮助缺少时间的办公室工作人员找到配偶。On the loopy side there is Japan, where local governments are subsidising speed dating to help time-poor office workers find spouses.

在过去,查尔斯常常被各种各样的评论描绘成一个迟钝且习惯谈论他的花草的稍显古怪的人。In the past, Charles has been portrayed by various commentators as a dull, slightly loopy eccentric with a habit of talking to his plants.

曾经马拉松只是少数怪人关注和参与跑圈活动,而现在却成为很多人乐于参与的活动,是检验体质和健康的最酷的方式。What was once a loopy stunt attempted by only a few weirdos is now a rite of passage for many, the coolest test out there of fitness and health.

目前,对于这方面的研究还很少,也许大脑里面就是一个难以捕捉的动态网络。Surprisingly little study has been done on large, loopy networks like the ones in the brain—probably in part because it is easier to think about brains as tidy assembly lines than as dynamic networks.