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不到一小时,亨利埃塔陷入了昏迷。Within an hour, Henrietta slipped into a coma.

纪念英国查理一世皇后海丽塔·玛丽。In honor of Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I of England"."

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亨利艾塔近来采取了无可奈何的单纯口气,变得宽宏大量了。Henrietta had lately taken up the tone of helpless innocence and large concession.

她女儿希望,亨利埃塔和我交谈后最终能够安心。Her daughter was hoping that after talking to me, Henrietta would finally be able to rest.

但是,朱勒还是不停的往上爬,鼠爸爸赶紧上去追他,亨利埃特也跟着去追。But, Jules still climbed up, Father mouse went to catch him, Henrietta also went to catch him.

当这只四脚鸡在上周四被发现后,布伦德13岁的女儿艾什利给它起名叫汉妮塔。Brendle's 13-year-old daughter, Ashley, named the chicken Henrietta after the discovery Thursday.

当这只四脚鸡在上周四被发现后,布伦德13岁的女儿艾什利给它起名叫汉妮塔。Brendle‘s 13-year-old daughter, Ashley, named the chicken Henrietta after the discovery Thursday.

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有时,亨利埃塔会对我说,埃米莉如此喜欢和她待在一起,让她感到有些内疚。At times, Henrietta would tell me she felt slightly guilty that Emily enjoyed staying with her so much.

查尔斯向亨丽埃塔献殷勤一事早被她父母注意到了,不过他们没有表示异议。Charles's attentions to Henrietta had been observed by her father and mother without any disapprobation.

她们只相处了一下午,亨利埃塔就成了埃米莉所喜欢的“奶奶”。By the end of their first afternoon together, Henrietta had become “Grandma” and Emily had found her place.

凌晨时分,我躺在那儿,我想起了我和亨利埃塔之间的最后一次通话。As I lay there in those early morning hours, I thought back to the last conversation I’d had with Henrietta.

布伦德指出,他曾开玩笑地让家人将汉妮塔在英特网上拍卖,但是女儿艾什利拒绝了他的建议。Brendle said he jokingly suggested to his family that it sell Henrietta in an Internet auction, but Ashley objected.

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亨利埃塔坚持一定要和我通话,而且因为没能和我通上话,她正变得愈加激动和不安。Henrietta had insisted on talking to me and had been becoming increasingly agitated at not being able to speak to me.

过去几年中,我们确实看到了硬币风尚的重新兴起。"We've really seen a coin renaissance in the past few years," said Henrietta Holsman Fore, director of the U.S. Mint.

过去几年中,我们确实看到了硬币风尚的重新兴起。"We've really seen a coin renaissance in the past few years, " said Henrietta Holsman Fore, director of the U.S. Mint.

一开始,她和埃米莉还可以通过电话交流,但随着亨利埃塔变得越来越虚弱,她们的交谈也终止了。Initially, the two of them were able to communicate by phone, but as Henrietta became weaker, the conversations came to an end.

这两个故事随着罹患子宫癌的31岁的亨丽爱塔于1951年死去而开始,亨丽爱塔是一位居住在马里兰郊区的贫穷的黑人烟草农。Both start in 1951, with the death from cervical cancer of 31-year-old Henrietta Lacks, a poor black tobacco farmer living in rural Maryland.

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这只小不点宠物鸡亨丽埃塔和莫里斯已经是多年的老友了,而且他们的友情故事还被收录进了一本儿童图书当中。Morris and his pint-sized pet chicken named Henrietta have been chums for about a dozen years, and their friendship has hatched a new children's book.