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最后把南瓜泥放在一块粗棉布上过滤掉多余的水分。Drain the puree on cheesecloth in a colander to remove excess water.

当你把卷心菜煮开后,用漏勺把水滤掉。When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.

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用簸筛滤水后,用厨用剪子剪成6英寸长。Drain in a colander and, using kitchen scissors, cut into 6-inch lengths.

你可以用一个漏勺礼品篮菜,或一篮子意大利主题。You could use a colander for a cooking gift basket , or an Italian theme basket.

一边想着,我急忙跑到厨房拿也漏勺,把它们一个一个捞了出来。Side thought, I quickly ran to the kitchen to get too colander , fishing them out one by one.

科兰德强调知识和历史背景的经济模式的应用。Colander emphasizes the intellectual and historical context to which the economic models are applied.

她会找一个滤锅,当然,先洗菜。She took a colander and, of course, first of all we would wash the lettuce, that goes without saying.

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可被用作漏勺,用来冲洗蔬菜、沙拉等和用来倾倒面条锅里的热水。Can be used as a colander for rinsing vegetables salad etc. and for pouring hot water from a pasta pot.

不像一些与筛网过滤,这个耐用的塑料滤器将不会生锈,它的洗碗机。Unlike some strainers with mesh screen, this durable plastic colander will not rust and it's dishwasher safe.

在烤牛肉的同时,把土豆放到加盐的水里煮10分钟,使土豆煮到半熟,沥干水份。While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in a colander.

在烤牛肉的同时,把肆豆放到加盐的水里煮10分钟,使土豆煮到半熟,沥干水份。While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in a colander.

将糯米浸泡2-4小时,置于筛子或过滤器中滤干水分。保证在使用前糯米已经干透。Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 2-4 hours. Drain well in a sieve or colander. Make sure the rice is dry before using.

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究其原因是受到了外国文学尤其是英国作家康拉德以及中国传统小说的影响。The reason why this legerdemain exists is that he was affected by the English writer Colander and the Chinese traditional literature.

在炖肉用浅锅中加入1-2英寸深的水,待水沸腾,将装满蔬菜的耐热或金属滤锅放入沸水中,并盖上盖子。Fill a casserole dish with an inch or two of water, bring to a boil, put a heatproof or metal vegetable-filled colander inside and cover.

宾夕法尼亚的警察审问一名嫌疑犯,将一只金属滤器放在他的头上,并用导线将其与复印机连接。Police in Radnor, Pennsylvania, interrogated a suspect by placing a metal colander on his head and connecting it with wires to a photocopy machine.

只需将一个干的咖啡滤纸放在干净的滤器中,然后将滤器放在干的干净水罐或碗上即可。Simply place a dry coffee filter in a clean drip coffee filter basket or colander, and place the basket or colander over a clean dry pitcher or bowl.