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该舰队停在岬角外。The fleet lay off the headland.

嶙峋的岬角突入海中…A rocky headland jutted into the sea.

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在歌声中,“苏哈尔”号越过马斯喀特的陆岬。Sohar passed the headland at Muscat to a chant.

海岸线长472公里,多岬角和港湾。A coastline of 472 kilometers, multi headland and harbor.

这如同一座山岬,也如你的朋友和你自己。This headland as a mountain, if your friends and yourself.

黎明时份,香港岛一个岬角对开的蓝塘海峡美景。Tathong Channel, seen at dawn beyond a Hong Kong Island headland.

实际上是跨越一道横亘在美洲地岬上的水桥。In fact, lie in the Americas to work together across the headland to the water bridge.

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我们行经断岩下沙岸边的路,再转遶过山岩形成的山头。Our road lay by the shore beneath the cliffs, then round the headland which they formed.

这个建于1866年的领事馆坐落在岬角上,俯视着海港,至今仍保存完好。Built in 1866 and standing on a headland overlooking the harbor, the building has been beautifully preserved.

文中作者着重推荐和研究了人工岬湾法这这一最新最有前途的工法。At last, the author recommends and studies, with a larger part, the most promising engineering means-the headland control.

美国华盛顿西北部的陆岬,位于胡安·德富卡海峡入口处。由詹姆斯·库克船长于778年发现。A headland of northwest Washington at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was discovered by Capt. James Cook in 778.

弗拉特里角美国华盛顿西北部的陆岬,位于胡安·德富卡海峡入口处。A headland of northwest Washington at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was discovered by Capt. James Cook in1778.

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美国华盛顿西北部的陆岬,位于胡安·德富卡海峡入口处。由詹姆斯·库克船长于1778年发现。A headland of northwest Washington at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was discovered by Capt. James Cook in 1778.

这座小屋可住四人,有私家湖边石滩地可以散步,湖水清澈,很适合在蒸过木柴桑拿后去畅游一番。This four-person cabin has its own rocky headland to scramble over, and a crystal-clear lake to swim in after your wood-fired sauna.

南非南部突出的尖岬处,形成泰伯湾与开普顿的弗斯湾之间的半岛。第一次航海绕过它的是1488年一位叫巴瑟密欧。迪亚斯的欧洲人。South African headland formin ga peninsula between Table Bay and False Bay, Cape Town. The first European to sail round it was Bartholomew Diaz in 1488.

它们开始时作为岬角和海崖的一部分与陆地相连,海浪粉碎地侵蚀了较为脆弱的岩石,而把较硬的岩石留在所形成海栈的后面。They start as part of a headland or sea cliff connected to land. Smashing waves erode the softer rock, leaving harder rock behind in the form of sea stacks.

你可以在海滩北端租赁棚里租到潜水装置,而在南端石头满布的岬上有一个很不错的饭店。You can rent snorkelling gear at the concession hut at the north end of the beach. At the south end of the beach on the rocky headland is a great restaurant.

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在英国康沃尔郡,一所常年遭受海风侵袭的学校利用其所处海角的地理优势,使学校电费支出骤降达90%。One of Britain’s most windswept schools has taken advantage of its position on an exposed Cornish headland to reduce its electricity bills by up to 90 per cent.

卡赞提角是刻赤半岛上的一个突出岬角,它界定了亚速海南岸和克里米亚半岛的东延。Cape Kazantip is a prominent headland on the Kerch Peninsula, which defines the southern shore of the Sea of Azov and the east extension of the Crimean Peninsula.

“那我就在这里住下,”老海员说,“我每天只要一些咸肉和几个鸡蛋,甜酒要足量供应。"Very few people come here, "Jim's father replied. "Then I'll stay here, "said the old man, "All I want is bacon and eggs and plenty of rum, and that headland up there.