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要爱惜光阴,因为现今的世代邪恶。Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

你感觉丹照旧有可挽回的价值啦?。You actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?

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这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补一切之不足。The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.

这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补一切之不足。Thee sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.

本周我们将详解2009十大拯救电影。This week we feature our 10 Most Redeeming Films of 2009.

救赎宏恩的黎明来到,圣容发出来荣光普照。Radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace.

你要确定是否在缺点之外她有一些可以弥补的优点,是否有她在身边你仍可以保持达观。Decide if she has any redeeming traits and if you can stay upbeat around her.

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这常常意味着从撤资条款最宽松的对冲基金撤资。Often that means redeeming from hedge funds with the loosest withdrawal terms.

审美拯救包括物象、道德和心性等几个方面。The aesthetic redeeming includes several areas such as image, moral and temperament.

这地方不仅太贵而且闻起来有股霉味。除了离圣马可还算比较近别无长处。The only redeeming factor of this place was it's fairly close proximity to San Marco.

他说,“这些饮料带来了这么多害处,我没看见任何社会上的补救意图。“I do not see any socially redeeming purpose being served by these beverages, ” he said.

宝座在这里,等着我们顺从救赎神的元首地位和权柄。The throne is here, waiting for us to submit to the headship and authority of the redeeming God.

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现在,我不会如此延伸为了说里德人做的每件喜欢做的事都有一些社会补偿价值。Now, I won't go so far as to say that everything Reedies do for fun has some socially redeeming value.

当他明白真相之后,难受得差点儿心碎,不过现在看来却起到了补偿作用。When the fact dawned on him it nearly broke his heart, but now it seemed the redeeming feature of the case.

但是,争论的另一方考察的结果弥补了网络对青少年发展的冲击。But there is another side to the debate, one that explores the redeeming aspects of adolescent Web inundation.

可是,只要稍加研究就不难发现,老书尽管古怪,却包含着不少优点。But, in spite of their quaintness , a little study revealed that the old reading books have many redeeming features.

艺术形式是齐美尔艺术思想中的重要范畴,也是齐美尔审美救赎思想在艺术中的表现。Art form is an important category in Simmel's art thoughts, and is also the expression of aesthetic redeeming in ails.

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亲人代赎者脱鞋象征放弃产权,放弃赎地的权利和娶路得。The kinsman redeemer by removing his sandal means that he has given up his rights of redeeming the property and also Ruth.

所以第二个亲人代赎者波阿斯现在可以自由和路得结婚并代赎她丈夫的产业。So Boaz the next kinsman redeemer is free to redeem now and that included marrying Ruth and redeeming her husbands property.

这所旅馆唯一的可取之处就是它的游泳馆.除此之外,这可以说是我住过的最糟的旅馆.The only redeeming feature of the hotel was the swimming pool. Apart from that, it was the worst hotel I've never stayed in.