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它们是损伤后轴索反应性生长的天然抑制物。They serve as natural impediments to neurite growth in response to injury.

阳性克隆培养上清能促进PC12细胞突起生长。The culture supernatant could stimulate the neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells.

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结论间充质干细胞能提高脊髓神经元的细胞活性,并能促进轴突生长。Conclusion BMMSCs could enhance the viability of neurons and prompt neurite growth.

分化的神经细胞有明显的细胞迁徙运动和突起延伸。The differentiated neuron appeared an obvious movement of cell migration and neurite extension.

观察外周神经雪旺细胞对视网膜神经细胞成活及突起生长的影响。To study the effects of Schwann cells on promoting neurite growth of rat retinal neurons in vitro.

结果氯化甲基汞能抑制PC12细胞突起生长,降低细胞活性。Results Results showed that methylmercury inhibited the neurite outgrowth and survival of PC12 cells.

分化神经元可以通过细胞迁徙、突起延伸及共同胞质桥等方式相连接。The differentiated neuron can form junction by cell migration, neurite extension or cytoplasmic bridge.

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与薄层受器不同的是,梅克尔氏细胞与神经纤维的复合体只传送皮肤持续受压的讯号。Unlike the lamellated variety, the Merkel cell- neurite complex signals only the sustained depression of the skin.

“我门的主要意图是想找到促进神经突长出和分化的特异蛋白,”Klemke说。"Our primary goal is to identify unique proteins that cause the neurite to sprout and differentiate, " said Klemke.

结论新的轴突导向因子的发现能为基因工程治疗CNS损伤提供潜在的靶基因。Conclusion New neurite guiding molecules might be potential target genes for CNS regeneration by genetic engineering.

目前多种促神经突起生长的生物活性分子都应用于神经损伤后再生的研究,FN6-8有关研究尚未见报道。Results FN6-8 can significantly promote the activity and neurite length of the gas-deprived neuron of the spinal cord.

最终他们就能得到一张关于数千个蛋白分子共同促进神经突形成的蓝图。This allowed them to construct a blueprint of how the thousands of proteins work together to facilitate neurite formation.

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相反的,没有受伤的对照眼在组织培养中并无轴突再生的能力。On the other hand, the retinal explant from the control group of uninjured eye does not regenerate neurite In tissue culture.

我们还想弄清神经突在外部方向信号作用下形成和迁移的潜在信号机制。We also want to understand the underlying signals that guide neurite formation and migration in response to directional cues.

提示去初级传入纤维的脊髓后角组织具有促进DRG神经突起生长的神经营养活性作用。It suggests that the dorsal horn of deafferented spinal cord may have some neurotrophic active effects of promoting neurite outgrowth.

研究者们再通过检索已发表的信息,就可以推测神经突内大部分蛋白质的功能了。Using information gleaned from published work, the researchers were then able to predict the function of most of the neurite proteins.

对照组与实验组神经突起再生状况比较。MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES ① neurite regeneration in situ ② comparisons of neurite regeneration between control group and experimental group.

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这还引出了另一个发现,控制神经突生长的复杂蛋白网络调控两个关键信号分子的机制。It also led to the discovery of how two key signaling molecules are regulated by a complex protein network that controls neurite outgrowth.

研究人员发明了一种特别的微孔过滤技术来分离神经元胞体和神经突。The researchers developed a unique microporous filter technology to separate the neurite from the cell body of the neuron, called the soma.

目的为进一步证实突生长抑制因子DNA疫苗免疫对局部脑缺血后神经功能恢复的促进作用。Objective To elucidate the effect of DNA immunization against neurite growth inhibitors on the neurological improvement following local cerebral ischemia.