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他们讨论否认上帝。They discussed the abnegation of God.

生命是为了达到极乐的涅磐而摒弃自身。Life is the abnegation of self to gain the bliss of Nirvana.

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具有那样自我克制能力的人根本当不了总统。Men with that capacity for self- abnegation do not reach a Presidency.

修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.

修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.

这是一种给这位牧师带来极大痛苦的放弃。It was an abnegation that brought with it much suffering for the clergyman.

她声称厌恶筑路,想要废止筑路,而且愿意口头否认。She claimed to abhor the road, wanted to abolish it, and would give a verbal abnegation.

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同时,他一生刻苦、独居克己、制欲,从来不曾娱乐过。And, withal, a life of privation, isolation, abnegation , chastity, with never a diversion.

唯有充满诚挚慷慨与自我放弃、油然而生的爱才能丰盛他者的灵魂。Only spontaneous love flowing with sincere generosity and self- abnegation can fertilize the soul of others.

引我们达到认识神更深的路,是要经过灵里贫穷孤寂的幽谷和弃绝一切外物。The way to deeper knowledge of God is through the lonely valleys of soul poverty and abnegation of all things.

因此,如何从构件中保留场景规约中用户需要的行为便是一个亟待解决的问题。Therefore, the scenario-based behavior abnegation of components is an urgent problem, where the scenario specifies the users desired behavior.

于是在思想与身体解放之后,出于对欲望泛滥带来的浮躁与“腻”味的反思,人们不禁又怀念起某种节制与平和来。Having freed their mind and body, people cannot help recollecting abnegation and tranquility after reflecting over the impatience caused by the surge of desire.

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马尔库塞提出的“文化大拒绝”的“左”口号,不只是对当代工具合理性的批判,其要害在于他改变了马克思“虚假意识”概念的科学内涵。The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool's rationality, but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised.

他这个为人牺牲的可怜的英雄,由于自己一片忠忱,竟至作茧自缚,自投苦海!How he regretted his abnegation and his folly in having brought Cosette back into the world, poor hero of sacrifice, seized and hurled to the earth by his very self-devotion!

霍·阿·布恩蒂亚无心抚慰妻子,他以科学家的忘我精神,甚至冒着生命危险,一头扎进了作战试验。José Arcadio Buendía made no at. tempt to console her, completely absorbed in his tactical experiments with the abnegation of a scientist and even at the risk of his own life.

但无论怎样,讽刺后不管的态度在同一维度下不应该出现在任何文学表达中,除非不表达作为人的存在。Whatsoever the expression appears, lampoon followed the obscurity under the same dimension is not appropriate present in any literature except for the abnegation of being as a human.

随后,气候变化问题被环境保护运动发起者用全球野生生物照片,配上深切体会到的自我毁灭的话语倡导出来,给人留下不可磨灭的印象。The issue was then championed by environmental campaigners who stamped it indelibly with the images of global wildlife and language of self abnegation that spoke to their own concerns.