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是关于孤独症的严重程度吗Is the severity of autism?

向访问分配一个优先权或者安全性。Assign a priority or severity to the call.

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它可作为ACS严重程度的监测指标。IL-10 may acts as indicators of ACS severity.

卡T回到家中,遭到母亲的严厉呵责。Card T home, the severity of the AZe by mother.

郭台铭展示了他极端严厉和仁慈的个性。Gou exhibits severity and kindness in the extreme.

这口井的狗腿度变化率不大。The dog-leg severity of this well is not very big.

研究还发现氯离子含量是影响腐蚀的主导因素。The content of Cl- dominated the corrosion severity.

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头颅钝器伤的严重程度不一。Blunt injury to the skull may be of varying severity.

头颅钝器伤的严重程度不一。Blunt injury to the skull may be of varying severity.

表达性失语症的严重程度各个不一。Severity of expressive aphasia varies among patients.

狂暴的飓风逐渐停息下来了。The severity of the hurricane is tapering off at last.

神经胶质瘤的恶性程度决定于它们生长的部位。The severity of glioma tumors depends on their location.

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并对滑脱的严重性和慢性化程度进行了分级。The severity and the chronicity of the slips were graded.

最高的最大严肃规定值为这些是重要的。The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical.

降低患者复发的频率和症状严重程度The patient reduces the frequency and severity of relapses.

随着高血压程度的加重。CVR were worsen graduately with the severity of hypertension.

我有慢性气喘病,病情已超限度了。I hae chronic asthma which is more than moderate in severity.

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因此,我不相信那些依靠数数来评估口吃严重程度的方法。So Ido not trust counting measures on how to evaluate severity.

可能重复出现2~10次,严重情况会逐渐降低。There may be 2 to 10 relapses , usually decreasing in severity.

耳鸣可以独立发生,与严重听力丧失无关。Tinnitus may occur independent of the severity of hearing loss.