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德国乐队“东京酒店”成立于2001年。Tokio Hotel is a German band founded in 2001.

东京则是较小的日本次区的中心。Tokio is the main hub of the small Japanese zone.

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你也可以过东京的“经验”是主角!You too can live a tokio "experience" being protagonist!

这是一种与东京完全不同的生活!I think Tokio Hotel is the most nervous band in the whole world.

东京海上火灾保险株式会社成立于1879年,是日本历史最悠久的财产保险公司。Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. , founded in 1879, is the oldest property insurance company in Japan.

然而,东京的统治者难道不可能以反对苏维埃共和国为名去寻求一个不同的目标?Is it however not possible that the rulers in Tokio are pursuing a different aim, namely a drive against the Soviet Republic?

巨大的成功是有16个幸运球迷,在4人型城市旅游的意大利日期的黛比主动约见东京酒店,!Great success is having the deBBY initiative to meet Tokio Hotel, for 16 lucky fans during the 4 Italian dates of Humanoid City Tour!

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2007年和2009年,乐队两次拿下MTV欧洲音乐大奖,并于2010年1月荣获NRJ音乐奖全球最佳乐队的头衔。Tokio Hotel won two MTV Europe Music Award in 2007 and 2009, and also won Best International Band NRJ Music Awards in January in 2010.

日本前内阁总理大臣东条英机和六名日本甲级战犯于今日在东京国际军事法庭被判死刑。Hideki Tojo, the former Premier, and six other Japanese war leaders were to-day sentenced to death by the International War Crimes Tribunal in Tokio.

东京军部稍后宣布日本自今天早上6点开始在西太平洋向英国和美国宣战。Imperial Headquarters in Tokio later announced that Japan had entered into a state of war with Britain and the United States in the Western Pacific from 6 a.m. to-day.

东京的帝国司令部稍后宣布日本已于今晨6时在西太平洋地区进入对英美的战时状态。Imperial Headquarters in Tokio later announced that Japan had entered into a state of war with Britain and the United States in the Western Pacific from 6 a. m. to -day.