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试镜与独白?Auditioning with a monologue?

这是一个割草者的独白。This is a monologue by a worker, a mower.

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我还能背出接下来的那段独白。I had even memorized the ensuing monologue.

他把独白切成两截来写对白。He writes dialog ue by cut monologue in two.

独白的面试官是一个重大挑战。Monologue interviewers are a major challenge.

他的这段道白激起了我的研究兴趣。His monologue stirred my inner anthropologist.

第一,时间独语中的生命表达。First, expression of life in monologue of time.

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复调与狂欢,解构独白。Polyphony and carnival, the deconstructing of monologue.

她不停地向我解释了足有一个小时。Her explanation took almost an hour of nonstop monologue.

戏曲艺术的代言体有独白与对话两种最基本的表现形式。Dialogue and monologue are two forms of expression in drama.

于是,第一个演出夜,我必须从头开始把台词独自说完。The first night , I had an entire monologue to the end of the show.

第一天,我要在全班同学的面请表演一次独白。On the first day, I had to perform a monologue in front of the class.

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我们非常积极的解构着世界,因为我们有积极的内心表达欲。We zealously deconstruct. We have that very active internal monologue.

对演员来说,这个故事成了一个很受欢迎的在试镜时表演的独角戏。For actors, the story has become a popular monologue to read at auditions.

独语是在双重语境的作用下,展示主体内在的精神世界的。Only under a double context, can monologue demonstrate the spiritual world.

内心独白剖析人物的内心世界,故事的叙述在作品中还突出表现出“感观印象”。The Internal monologue gave a vivid description of the inner world of its characters'.

难道我的每段预言独白都要被这个半兽人抢戏吗?见鬼!Can I get through just ONE foreboding monologue without the half-orc upstaging me?Geez!

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读者将通过佩罗恩的内心独白与他一起度过这一天。Meanwhile, the reader follows Perowne through his day, mainly via an interior monologue.

第五部分揭示了布朗宁戏剧性独白阐释的不确定性。Chapter Five reveals the indeterminacy of interpretation of Browning's dramatic monologue.

这段独白结束以后,他转向马吕斯,定定地望着他说This monologue concluded, he turned to Marius, and demanded,gazing at him intently the while