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他们想得到的姿势比印度爱经都多。They know mores than the Kamasutra.

我是说,虽说社会观念已经变了…I mean the sociosexual mores have really shifted.

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这一点是否符合现代社会的道德标准?Does this fit with the mores of contemporary society?

相应的,他们也蔑视我们的优越劲头和城市做派。In turn, they disparaged our elitism and urban mores.

影片也捕捉到了现今的社会风俗。It also captures the social mores of the present day.

个人来讲,我更爱这款宽口奶瓶。I love the wide neck bottles mores so than the others personally.

广告反映社会的风俗人情,却不能影响它们。Advertising reflects the mores of society, but it does not influence them.

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他们认为,移民会很快入乡随俗,向主流社会靠近。They assumed that immigrants would quickly adopt the mores of their host societies.

但是,这个"赐物"使他们的传统与社会习俗发生了糟糕的变化。But “the gift” changes the traditions and social mores of their world for the worse.

他的作品充满神话传说、楚地巫风和瑰丽的想象。His works were filled with myths, legends, witchery mores and magnificent imagination.

比如汽车的发明带来了免下车电影院以及性道德的改变。For example, the passenger automobile led to the drive-in movie and changes in sexual mores.

因此,在一个千变万幻的世界中,青年一代面临着改革我们的道德观念并使之与时俱进的挑战。Thus in a changing world youth was faced with the challenge of bringing our mores up to date.

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此类情况往往需要熟悉当地的语言、习俗、食物、穿着和行为规范。Often such situations require a familiarity with language, customs, food, clothing and social mores.

对于这个交通灯标示的想法被采纳,更加好地反映了当地以及那里的礼节。As for the idea of road crossings being adapted to reflect local mores and etiquette, Anorak approves.

与此同时,变化的社会习俗和人们对婚姻的期望值也在使人们开始重视长期的婚姻关系。At the same time, changing social mores and expectations have placed stresses on long-term relationships.

在如今这个安全至上的新时代,乘飞机旅行限制了爱酒人士的旧习惯。In our new security-conscious era, flying is an operation that is inimical to the old mores of a wine-lover.

公序良俗原则在大陆法系民法体系中居于重要地位。Public orders and Borus mores is an important principle of the civil law in the continental genealogy of law.

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即使以网络速度的标准来看,这种快节奏和中国微博的风尚也是令人吃惊的。Even by the standards of the Web, it was a startling demonstration of the rhythm and mores of micro-blogging in China.

此一变化所蕴含的传统礼教的「脱臼现象」,正暗藏著现代性的接榫可能。In the "disjointedness" of traditional mores latent in this transformation was located the potential for the joint to modernity.

这个人像展现出经典的皇室流行与习俗,以及他们那具有奇特风味和幽默的传统服饰。The figure portrays the classical fashion and mores of the royalty and their traditional dress interplayed with whimsy and humor.