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他发现两个相同的,所以他要求随行人员。He discover two same, so he ask retinue.

他与他的随员们大步走了过去。He strode past with his retinue of aides.

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那一天,司长如期前呼后应地来了。That day, the director came as scheduled with a large retinue.

旅馆的整整两层都预定给总统的随扈了。Two whole floors of the hotel were booked for the president's retinue.

求一篇写洛阳牡丹的记叙文,或日记300字左右的!!!!!!!Or seek a narration writing the Luoyang peony, diary 300 characters retinue 's! ! ! ! ! ! !

他想到了一个主意,他叫来一个侍从,让他坐在自己的椅子上,而查理自己则混在其他侍从中。He called a retinue to sit on Dauphin ' s usual chair and Charles foisted into other retinues.

张操志拔出佩剑。可周围除了随从看不到别的人。于是他仔细地观察尸体。Zhang pulled out his sword. There was nobody in sight but his retinue. He looked at the corpses.

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而且,两位领导人都有从自己的随从团队里面“招募”年轻女性的历史。And both leaders have a history of, shall we say, recruiting young women from the palace retinue.

他被你辉煌的宫殿深深震撼,率领他的随从向你效忠。He was so impressed by your wondrous palaces that he and his retinue swore their allegiances to you.

此外,还有多名经济、文化、科技界代表。Representives from economic, cultural, science and technology circles also form part of his retinue.

费南多先生及其下属的办公室占据了大楼的整个第五层。The offices occupied by don Fernando and his retinue took up the entire fifth floor of the building.

这样的窖藏正是对当年卓越军事装备的体现,才让我们能够辨认出这些武器,它们本属一位高级领主的卫戍部队。The hoard, then, could represent the elite military gear that distinguished the retinue of a certain lord.

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观音为阿弥陀佛的左胁侍,与阿弥陀佛、大势至合称“西方三圣”。Avalokitesvara of the left retinue of Sakyamunim, Amitabha and Mahasthamaprapta are called the Three Saints of the West.

一个钦差大臣便带著一打随员,从我的右小腿那里走了上来。His excellency, having mounted on my small right leg, advanced forwards up to my face, with about a dozen of his retinue.

将领卫队是保护阿兹台克将领征战沙场的忠诚护卫,身穿棉质镶甲,手持玛喀霍特战棍和切玛利皮盾。The retinue of an Aztec general. Armed with a chimalli shield, a maquahuitl club and wearing ichcahuipilli padded armour.

文成公主带来大批唐朝工匠,赤尊公主也从尼泊尔请来了工匠,开始大兴土木,修建寺庙。Princess Wencheng had in her retinue a large number of Chinese craftsmen and Princess Chizun also invited a number from Nepal.

他的随从包括年轻女性,她们名义上被叫做“信使”,她们既为他点烟又为他接灰。His retinue includes young women, known officially as "messengers, " who light his ever-present cigarettes and catch the ashes.

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西王母及其侍从九尾狐毁灭的那一面,在道教的视觉形象和文本材料中褪去了。The destructive aspect of the Queen Mother and the nine-tailed fox in her retinue both faded in Daoist visual and textual materials.

有些人被置于警察的监视之下或被随从在门外扎营的警官限制在家中。Some have been placed under police monitoring or confined at their homes with a retinue of police officers camping outside their doors.

由于他们与国王相悖,这些教士被瑞典宣布放逐,但依旧存在于丹麦挪威,随时准备对任何敌人施以威严神圣的惩罚。Leading a retinue to rival a king, these clerics are outlawed in Sweden but still deliver holy chastisement to the foes of Denmark and Norway.