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她的英文名字是Mae。Her English name is Mae.

最大的就是房利美和房贷美。The biggest are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

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但是,每当太阳下山的时候,我会立刻回家,去找我那亲爱的梅。But when the sun is down I rush home to sweet Mae.

这里的概况一九九二年什么和它做什么。Here's an overview on Fannie Mae and what it does.

这些贷款是得到房利美和房地美担保的。These are loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

然而全部这些房利美股票加起来,也不值多少钱。All those Fannie Mae shares do not add up to much money.

只是不要持有房利美太久,乔治先生这样建议投资者们。Just don’t hold Fannie Mae too long, Mr. George advised.

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警察将梅.韦斯特关进了监狱,她被关了一个多星期。City officials put Mae West in jail for more than a week.

下面你听到的是梅.韦斯特演唱的这部电影的主题歌。Here is Mae West performing the theme song of this movie.

嗯,陈美快满24岁了,一个智慧的年龄。Well, Vanessa Mae is about to reach the wise old age of 24

范尼梅和雷德马克已经得到政府的救助了。Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bailed out by the government.

在梅小的时候,她就在当地剧团中演出。Mae started to perform in local theater groups as a young child.

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“两房”想咸鱼翻身的机会已经没有了。The opportunity for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to recover has gone.

丽尔成为了梅.韦斯特所演的人物中的典型代表,这是一个在她自己的生活中经常扮演的角色。Lil became the most representative example of Mae West's characters.

同一来源还说,“督察局打算找房利美的麻烦。”This same source said that "OFHEO was trying to embarrass Fannie Mae ."

房地美和房利美,这两家公司的职能是什么?Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac what did they do and what role did they play?

蓝钻石度假酒店位于美丽热带岛屿中心的“梅哈德”主城远处。The Blue diamond Restaurant is located at the far end of Mae Haad Beach.

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我们的邻居,梅姨,个子高挑,苗条,文静,直率。Our neighbor, Mae was a tall slender woman with a quiet, sincere demeanor.

结束房利美和房地美的业务,取消预算外的资金投入。Off-budget financing should be ended by closing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

在湄拉娜及周围地区,会有一些活动。In Mae La Na and its surrounding area, several activities can be undertaken.