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保险、索款及再保险割让功能。Issuance, claims and reinsurance cession functionalities.

他们战争失败了,割地赔偿不可避免。种竹成林。The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war.

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因为他们输了这场战争,割让领土是无法避免的。The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war.

比如,比现价节省6000元,便要支付1200元的转让费用。For instance, save 6000 yuan than present price, want to pay 1200 yuan cession fee.

如果这个域名只带来几百元的转让费,对于他来说就是失败。If this domain name brings hundreds of yuan cession to expend only, fail namely to him.

1814年挪威人反对向瑞典割让自己的国土,并且制定了新的宪法。In 1814, Norwegians resisted the cession of their country to Sweden and adopted a new constitution.

最后,直到1803年11月30日才交接了控制权,而此时距离出售给美国的时限仅仅3个星期。The transfer finally took place on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States.

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经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权。Classics partner agrees with cession equity below coequal condition other shareholder has preferential buy right.

20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession.

日本法院是否愿意纠正因为被外国佔领之不能管辖的国土就连带的将其国民之国籍取消的错误?Were the Japanese courts correct in attaching cancellation of nationality to cession of territory under foreign occupation?

而开幕式闭幕式门票的转让则必须通过北京奥组委书面批准并按程序办理。And the cession of entrance ticket of opening ceremony closure must pass BOCOG written approval is dealt with by the program.

住房抵押货款证券化可以最大限度上克服直接转让的缺陷,促进二级市场的快速发展。Securitization of housing mortgage can best develop the secondary market, as it is free of the limitations of direct cession.

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德克萨斯于一八四五年取得,接着第二年是俄勒岗,三年后则是墨西哥领土割让。The acquisition of Texas occurred in 1845, followed by the Oregon Territory the next year, and the Mexican Cession three years later.

战败后的巨额赔款,殖民地的割让,世界性经济危机的影响促使了存在主义在德国这片土地上的滋生。The large indemnity of defeat, the cession of colonies and the influence of the global economic crisis drove Existentialism's appearance.

从割让勐乌、乌得这段史实中,我们可以真实的感受到体会到普洱茶和古茶山历经沧桑的悲壮历史。The historical event of the cession of Mengwu and Wude enables us to feel the tragic history of the Pu'er tea and the ancient tea mountains.

在这两个割地契约上,割地的州都规定了一个条件,即联邦政府不能在被割的土地上禁止奴隶制。In both deeds of cession it was made a condition by the ceding States that the Federal Government should not prohibit slavery in the ceded country.

本文将从对预售房登记制度、预售房资金管理、预售房的转让这三个层面来探讨我国的商品房预售监管体系的完善。This article will discuss the supervision system in the presale of our country from presale registering system ?presale capital management and presale building cession.

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其次,英国处心积虑三次割占香港是其在华占领一地外交政策的具体实施。Firstly, the cession of one territory of China-Hong Kong, which is one part of English foreign Policies on China, which was formed for a long time and arrived its final target.

商品房销售过程中关于定金转让行为的本质及其合法性,在目前的商品房市场中已成为不可回避的问题。The behavior concerning cession of earnest money and its legitimacy during the process of selling merchandise building resulted in inevitable questions in today's merchandise building market.