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维也纳的浓汤中通常会放一些有馅的食品,比如粗面饺子或薄煎饼片。Vienna soups come with fillings, such as semolina dumpling or pancake slices.

做好的猪肉要塞到粗小麦粉面包里去,面包是从伊丽莎白街的Parisi面包房买的。The meat is tucked into semolina rolls from Parisi bakery on Elizabeth Street.

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Couscous是颗粒粗面粉,它可以浸泡至软,且常像米饭一样被食用。Couscous is a granular semolina that is soaked until soft. It is served like rice.

蒸煮过的中东小米配以块状土豆、萝卜、南瓜和嫩牛肉。Steamed semolina topped with chunks of potato, carrot, pumpkin and minced beef balls.

慢烤澳洲牛柳,辣椒洋葱沙司,小麦布丁。Beef tenderloin, Rangers valley, slow roasted, paprika and onions sauce, semolina pudding.

提高速比使通心粉和面粉的出率、灰分和蛋白含量都显著增加。Increased speed differential resulted in a significantly higher yields and higher ash and protein contents of both semolina and flour.

分析了通心粉与面粉之间量的关系,以及琥珀色与其他品质参数之间的关系。The quality differences between semolina and flour and the relationship between the intensity of the amber to other components were analyzed.

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随着入磨麦水分的提高,通心粉和面粉的出率、蛋白含量及淀粉破损都显著降低。Higher tempered wheat moisture content resulted in significantly lower yields and lower protein and damaged starch contents of both semolina and flour.

摩洛哥有真正美味的烤面饼,通常被一厚块端上来,然后你从上面撕下一点儿来,还有叫做Baghir的小麦粉薄烤饼--它们都很好吃。They have a really delicious crumpet-style bread which they make in huge slabs for you to tear a bit off, and a semolina pancake bread called Baghir—both are really tasty.

莫利诺面粉和粗粒小麦粉是工厂历经三代的产品结晶,对谷物的研制从开始处理到最后独立的包装都竭力确保了产品达到最高水准的质量和安全要求。Molino flours and semolina are the result of three generations of mill experience and research processing the grain to the final packaging, reaching the highest standards of quality and safety.

一张水和硬质小麦面粉制成的小小的生面团变化出无穷无尽的样式,反映了意大利人丰富的想象力、对新花样的热衷和表现欲。The seemingly endless variations on the theme of a simple dough of water and durum wheat semolina reflect the expansive nature of the Italian people, their love of variety and their love of show.