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每个固定模型的元类扩展有一个或者多个条目。One or more entries for each metaclass extension of each stereotype.

许多程序员会混淆元类和基类的不同。Many programmers are confused about the difference between a metaclass and a base class.

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请注意原型仅仅可以被应用到元素下,当它的元类是扩展的。Please note that the stereotype can be applied only to the elements whose metaclass it extends.

如果在这个配置文件中没有定义图标,这个对应元类扩展的图标就会被使用。If there is no icon defined in the profile, the icon corresponding to the metaclass extension will be used.

分析阶段的产物是一个元类模型,此模型描述候选服务、候选服务的角色构造型及其操作。The outcome of the analysis phase is a metaclass model that describes candidate services, their role stereotypes, and their operations.

如果您产生了一个元类联合或者一个固定模型联合,您需要为这个固定模式终端产生工具或者形状。If you generate a metaclass association or a stereotype association, you need to generate the tooling or shape for the stereotyped ends.

对于您所创建的每一个构造型,您必须对包和其他所有需要的元类扩展添加一个元类。For every stereotype that you create, you must add a metaclass extension to the package in addition to any other desired metaclass extensions.

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然而,它的真正作用在于它的扩展能力,通过它的扩展功能可以改变元类的定义。However, its real power is in the extension mechanism, through which it can actually modify the metaclass definition of one or more metaclasses.

如果您选择为它创建工具,就会自动为元类联合和固定模式联合的编辑部分自动产生代码。Code will be generated automatically for edit parts of metaclass associations and stereotype associations if you choose to create the tooling for it.

用户应该理解元类型冲突的原因和解决方案,当您想使用多个定制的元类时,这将非常必要。Users should understand the cause and the resolution of metatype conflicts. This becomes essential when you want to use more than one custom metaclass.

在本文中,我们希望为避免这种聪明做出小小的贡献,至少在我们比较精通的领域避免元类滥用。In this article, we hope to make a small contribution away from cleverness, at least in an area where we have some expertise, that being metaclass abuses.

换句话说,只有当想在派生类上运行代码,又不想让用户注意到时,才应该使用自定义元类。In other words, you should use a custom metaclass only when your real intention is to have code running on derived classes without users of those classes noticing it.