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你怎么能对这可怜的孩子这么明目张胆地撒谎?How can you lie so glaringly to the poor child?

缅甸的这一例子中,很多失败之处格外明显。In the case of Myanmar, the failures are glaringly obvious.

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由此,认定半兽人愚笨的传言显然是谬误。This is where the myth of half-orc stupidity becomes glaringly incorrect.

相反,它意味着所提交的代码没有突出的显而易见的疏忽或错漏。Instead it means that the submitted code has no glaringly obvious oversights.

有头无尾的,半半拉拉的,都集体亮丑。Here we have half-finished jobs, loose ends, all glaringly obvious in their collective ugliness.

然而政客们只要愿意就能无视这些极为显眼的未竟的事业。Yet politicians are quite capable of ignoring even glaringly unfinished business if it suits them.

台湾的周杰伦是中国唱片界最有名的人物之一,而他并未进入最佳的行列。Glaringly absent in the top categories is Taiwan's Jay Chou , one of the Chinese recording industry's biggest acts.

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更重要的是,将吃猪肉等同于吃狗肉的观点忽略了人类与狗之间明摆着的特殊关系。More importantly, the pig-equals-dog claim ignores the glaringly obvious issue of relationships.The human relationship with dogs is unique.

透过这个压缩图来方言我们的世界,就会明晓接纳他人,谅解以及教育是何等重要。When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly ap.

透过这个压缩图来放眼我们的世界,就会明晓接纳他人丶谅解以及教育是何等重要。When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent.

当你从这样一个压缩的角度审视我们的世界时,很显然接受、理解和教育是最需要的。W hen one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent.

多年来,我从未意识到自己的传统新英格兰美国家庭教育和使得自己在学校显得与众不同之间的矛盾。Growing up, I never perceived a contradiction between my classic New England American upbringing and the things that made me glaringly different from the other kids at school.

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但在处理其他影响精神的毒品时,政府采取的措施大不相同,认为这不再是个人责任内的事了,已经构成犯罪行为。Yet they have been glaringly inconsistent in dealing with the use of other psychoactive drugs, regarding that not as a matter of personal responsibility but as criminal behaviour.

具瑞镇赶回家拉着张荷娜甩掉记者来到天台上,张荷娜喜欢的人是路彬,具瑞镇开明晓理尊重张荷娜的选择。With red town home took Zhang Hena dump reporters came to the rooftop, Zhang Hena like of the person is LuBin, with red town open respect the choice of Zhang Hena glaringly apparent.

「切断电缆线是愚蠢之至的行为,对任何人应该都是显而易见,」当地电力公司「中央网络」的客服经理菲尔.威尔森说。"The sheer stupidity of cutting through power cables should be glaringly obvious to everyone, " said Phil Wilson, customer operations manager with local power company Central Networks.

首次实验是于1999年进行的,其揭示了一个现象叫作忽视性失明,即注意力的集中会导致平常显而易见的事实被忽视。First performed in 1999, this demonstrates a phenomenon called inattentional blindness, whereby focused attention causes a failure to see something that might otherwise be glaringly obvious.