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阿科周围有许多岩石。There are many rocks near Arco.

这是阿科小镇上的古堡。This is the old castle of Arco.

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正对面是艾柯大楼。Directly across was the Arco building.

国王队目前在阿科球馆打球。The Kings currently play at Arco Arena.

在意大利的第二天我们前往阿科小镇。On the next day in Italy we went to Arco.

今年的博览会将从13日持续到18日。The Arco art runs from Feb. 13 to 18, 2008.

本网站还提供知识产权法律以及事务所新闻。The web site also provides IP law and Arco news.

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阿科小镇位于嘎达湖的北部,是著名的攀岩胜地。Arco is a small town north of lake Garda, which is famous for rock climbing.

常务副秘书长使得圆顶,使用阿科铝板,适用的化合物,烤它。DSG makes the dome, using the Arco Aluminum sheet, applies the compound, and bakes it.

国王可能无缘季后赛,但是湖人知道在阿科球馆挑战国王是场艰难的比赛。The Kings are not going to the playoffs, but the Lakers know they will be formidable tonight at Arco Arena.

最近,ARCO化学公司公布,他计划大大扩展其在世界范围内的1,4-丁二醇的生产。Recently, ARCO chemical company announces, he plans to expand its are in greatly worldwide 1 inside, the production of 4- Ding Erchun.

本文介绍中海石油平台制造公司在海南气体处理厂主体工程管线、管件及设备保温所采用的施工工艺。With site supervision of ARCO engineers, China Offshore Oil Platform Fabrication Company has made significant improvements in the project.

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周二晚上在阿科球馆以101-113输给了萨克拉门托国王队的比赛,则更加表明,湖人依然还在路上。They showed during their 113-101 loss to the lowly Sacramento Kings on Tuesday night at Arco Arena that they are indeed a work in progress.

该机构可以然后到代顿系统集团,其中适用于可专利的圆顶帽可以结束,取得的铝铝业从凯旋门。The can bodies then go to Dayton Systems Group, which applies to the can the patented Cap Can dome end, made of aluminum from Arco Aluminum.

我很奇怪,我两次接近这个关闭的大门,突然都打开了,阿科向我张望着,但我还是从侧门进去的。I am very surprised that my two close to the closed door, suddenly are open, and ARCO and looked to me, but I still go in from the side door.

一些石油公司,如阿科和BP,使用的油轮远远领先于法定的要求,充足的动力和良好的转向系统使事故的发生概率降至最低。Some oil companies, like Arco and BP, now use tankers that exceed the legal requirements, with redundant power and steering systems to minimize failures.

他还能想象得出自己将怎样面对那些国王队的队旗,怎样面对永远激情四射的国王球迷指挥若定,怎样聆听着他的名字在Arco体育馆回响。He can imagine himself checking out the banners again, coaching in front of that always-passionate crowd, hearing his name introduced once more in Arco Arena.

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在画廊独奏哈维尔洛佩斯在马德里配合展览,KAWS参加马德里当代艺术博览会的一部分,有他签名的小作品展示。In conjunction with his solo exhibition at the Galerie Javier Lopez in Madrid, KAWS is taking part in the ARCO Art Fair as well, with a small showcase of his signature artwork.

国王已经无望获得季后赛资格了,但他们主场的战绩为24胜13负,他们很想在主场终止湖人的连胜。The Sacramento Kings have officially been eliminated from playoff contention, but they are 24-13 at home and would gladly play the role of spoilers tonight against the Lakers at Arco Arena.