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戴维总督。Governor Davey.

你了解戴维.琼斯多少?How much do you know about Davey Jones?

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我的朋友戴维是这伙为当中的佼佼者。My friend Davey is the best of the bunch.

那么小戴夫还需要接受愤怒治疗吗?So did Little Davey need some anger management?

戴维伯德桑还在雇用大学生。Davey birdsong was still hiring university students.

戴维教授说,“随着年迈,我们生活的圈子越来越狭小。”“With age, we move in tinier and tinier circles, ” says Professor Davey.

第刘易斯我认为不完全真实的,但我们有谈过,戴维。No. I think that Lewis was not entirely truthful, but we have spoken to Davey.

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“我现在仍然物色一些球员,谈判还在继续,”戴维接受星报采访时表示。"I'm still looking at a few players, discussions are ongoing, " Davey told The Star.

在上赛季三个月巴恩斯利租借期中,哈米尔给戴维留下深刻的印象。Hammill made a good impression on Davey during a three-month loan spell with Barnsley last season.

“腿的长度和心脏病之间有一个直接成比例的危险关系,”乔治大卫史密斯说。"There's a directly proportional risk between leg length and heart disease, " says George Davey Smith, M.D.

在向利物浦报价边锋亚当-汉密尔后,巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维正在等待利物浦方面的回应。Barnsley boss Simon Davey is awaiting a response from Liverpool after making an offer for winger Adam Hammill.

巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维斯已经表示签下利物浦年轻边翼亚当-哈米尔是一次意外的收获。Barnsley boss Simon Davey has hailed the signing of young winger Adam Hammill from Liverpool as a 'great coup'.

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巴恩斯利已经为汉密尔提交了一份报价,戴维希望这份报价能够达到利物浦俱乐部的要求。Barnsley have now tabled a bid for Hammill and Davey is hoping that their bid meets the Anfield outfit's valuation.

他在利物浦还没有得到球队的正式号码,戴维已经表示他可能转会到奥克维尔球场。He has not yet been given a squad number by Liverpool and Davey has held talks over a possible move back to Oakwell.

戴维,戴维?克罗克特,荒野边疆的国王“就会再次响彻西弗吉尼亚州的贝克顿小镇。"Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier", would again be heard in the little town of Bakerton, West Virginia.

巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维斯已经透露已经接近于签下利物浦的亚当-哈米尔和奥尼尔-汤普森。Barnsley manager Simon Davey has revealed the Championship club are on the verge of landing Adam Hammill and O'Neil Thompson.

西蒙-戴维希望尽力完成利物浦边锋亚当-哈米尔的转会,但是他已经失去两名试训球员兴趣了。Simon Davey is looking to push through a deal for Liverpool winger Adam Hammill, but he has ended his interest in four trialists.

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利物浦出生哈米尔上赛季租借到巴恩斯利,戴维希望能够得到球员永久转会权利。Liverpool-born Hammill spent a productive loan spell with the Tykes last term and Davey was always keen to make the move permanent.

英国打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停协会的玛丽安·维也持相同观点,她说打鼾会危及夫妻关系。Marianne Davey of the British Snoring and Sleep Apnea Association also confirmed this and said that snoring can put a huge strain on relationships.

英国打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停协会的玛丽安·戴维也持相同观点,她说打鼾会危及夫妻关系。Marianne Davey of the British Snoring and Sleep Apnea Association also confirmed this and said that snoring can put a huge strain on relationships.