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壁画上是释迦牟尼在说法。The mural depicts Sakyamuni teaching.

释迦牟尼由此得以继续行程。Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.

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于是,释迦牟尼能够他的旅程。Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.

据说释迦摩尼是佛教的创始人。It is said that Sakyamuni was the founder of the Buddhism.

壁上,塔柱上面,雕刻有释迦牟尼佛传教事。Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work.

后演化成纪念佛祖释伽牟尼成道的宗教节日。Later evolved into a commemoration of the Buddha Sakyamuni Road religious holiday.

我还是很想谢谢释迦牟尼大哥让我看清了什么是梦幻泡影。I still wanna say thanks for Sakyamuni let me seen a dreamy illusion and an empty bubble.

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释迦牟尼生于公元前565年,比孔子长五岁,比老子小十五岁。Sakyamuni was born 565 BC, 5 years elder than Confucious, but 15 years younger than Laozi.

佛堂房子绘有释迦牟尼人像和已故的达赖喇嘛人像。The Hall of the Buddha houses gold-traced portraits of Sakyamuni and deceased Dalai Lamas.

教主释迦牟尼佛本来已达到没有病痛的境界。Sakyamuni Buddha originally attained to the state of Suchness, where sicknesses are absent.

释迦牟尼不需要问你会将这个信息传给多少人,他早已知道你的决定。Sakyamuni won't ask you how many people you forward this to. He already knows your decision.

如果从梵文翻译成中文的话,我们也称呼释迦牟尼为「主释迦牟尼」。If we translated Sanskrit into Chinese, we would revere Sakyamuni Buddha as "Lord Sakyamuni."

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释迦牟尼不会问你住在哪个社区,他会问你是如何对待左邻右舍的。Sakyamuni won't ask in what neighborhood you lived. He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.

释迦牟尼不需要问你会将这个信息传给多少人,他早已知道你的决定。Sakyamuni won't have ask how many people you forward this to. He already knows your decision.

据佛经记载,弥勒佛出生在古代印度,属释迦牟尼的同代。According to Buddhist sutras, Maitreya was born in ancient India, a contemporary of Sakyamuni.

比如我们的导师释迦佛,就是以王子身份显现的。It is just like Sakyamuni Buddha, who showed the world these merits through his prince identity.

释迦牟尼不会问你的肤色,他会问你的人格特质。Sakyamuni won't ask about the color of your skin. He'll ask about the content of your character.

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在大雄宝殿东侧设有素斋馆,名为香积厨。Supposes the sound thorough room hall in the Sakyamuni valuable palace east side, named kitchen.

释迦牟尼不会问你有多少朋友,他会问你是多少人的朋友。Sakyamuni won't ask how many friends you had. He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

释迦摩尼佛说的一个字,就可以使我们从这些束缚和习性中解脱出来。Even a single word of the Sakyamuni Buddha can liberate us from all these obsessions and habitual patterns.