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硬皮病和紫杉醇类药物是否真的相关?。Scleroderma and the taxanes. Is there really a link?

硬皮病是自身免疫性疾病中的难治病。Scleroderma is presently a common disease in rheumatism.

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硬皮病是一种可以持续数月至数年的疾病。Scleroderma is a chronic disease that lasts many months to years.

在我们的医学网页上,你能够找到象什么是硬皮病?On our main Medical page you can find links such as What is Scleroderma ?

很遗憾的是,至今为止还没有有效的治疗方法来治愈硬皮病。Unfortunately, there is no proven treatment or cure for any form of scleroderma.

我们的目标是更好地管理作为一个多光谱,硬皮病,慢性疾病将得以实现。The goal is that better management of scleroderma as a multi-spectrum, chronic disease will be achieved.

硬皮病是一种自身免疫性结缔组织疾病,严重影响患者的生活质量。Scleroderma is an autoimmune connective tissue disease, and severely affects the life quality of patients.

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研究了低温贮存黄粉虫蛹对繁育管氏硬皮肿腿蜂的影响。The effect of cold storage of the Tenebrio molitor pupae on the breeding of Scleroderma guani was investigated.

微血管病变是硬皮病大部分临床表现及并发症的病理基础。The microvascular modification is pathologic base of most clinical manifestation and complication of scleroderma.

目的研究硬皮病成纤维细胞整合素表达对成纤维细胞合成原胶原的影响。Objective Investigation of the effect of integrin on fibroblasts from scleroderma in the production of procollagen.

目的探讨血小板衍生生长因子在硬皮病发病中的作用。Objective To investigate the role of platelet-derived growth factor receptor in the development of scleroderma fibrosis.

这些都是常用的治疗条件,如硬皮病可导致广泛的疤痕和硬化的皮肤。These are often used to treat conditions such as scleroderma that can cause extensive scarring and hardening of the skin.

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如果扩张合并毛细血管丧失,则患者更可能有或发展为硬皮病。If the enlargement is associated with loss of capillaries, then the patient is more likely to have or develop scleroderma.

该药能使导致肺纤维化的炎症得以减轻,在过去10年里被应用于硬皮病患者。The drug decreases the inflammation that causes pulmonary fibrosis and has been used on scleroderma patients for the last 10 years.

肺间质纤维化最终所引起的呼吸循环衰竭是硬皮病患者的主要致死因素之一。Pulmonary fibrosis caused by the end of the respiratory and circulatory failure in patients with scleroderma is the main factor of death.

系统性硬皮病是一种累及皮肤、骨关节、消化道、呼吸道、心、肾等多系统、多器官的疾病。Systemic scleroderma is a involving skin, bones and joints, digestive, respiratory, heart, kidney, and other systems, multi-organ disease.

临床具有系统性红斑狼疮、硬皮病、皮肌炎的混合表现,但又不能确定其为哪一种疾病。Clinical with systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma , dermatomyositis mixed performance, but which can not be identified it as a disease.

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同时可见由于核黄素缺乏其嘴角出现唇干裂,此为硬皮病病人对核黄素吸收障碍所致。Note also the cheilosis at the corners of the mouth from riboflavin deficiency as a result of the malabsorbtion that can occur with scleroderma.

食管扩张有助于鉴别其他的弥漫性肺部病变。The presence of esophageal dilatation may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of scleroderma from other diffuse interstitial lung diseases.

结论降低硬皮病成纤维细胞整合素的表达,可从转录水平抑制成纤维细胞合成原胶原。Conclusion Overproduction of procollagen may be inhibited in the level of transcription by lowering the expression of integrin on fibroblasts in scleroderma.