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因此它混淆了结果和最近的停滞。Hence its mixed results and recent stagnation.

气机郁滞是诱发疾病的关键。Stagnation of qi is crucial for recovery of disease.

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改变是我们的生命血脉,停滞则如同敲起丧钟。Change is our life-blood, stagnation our death knell.

但金砖五国能使我们脱离全球经济停滞状态吗?Yet can they save us from worldwide economic stagnation?

这个压力有时也叫滞止压力。This pressure is sometimes referred to as stagnation pressure.

然而立法滞后,制约民办教育发展。However, the stagnation of legislation limited its development.

在艾森城,没有产业衰落的迹象。At Essen, though, there is no sign of an industry in stagnation.

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最后,我们能注意到可再生植物的产量依然停滞不前。Lastly, we can note the stagnation in the output of renewable plants.

闭关锁国,停滞不前成了这个文明古国的代名词。The ancient civilization became a byword for isolation and stagnation.

目的初步编制中医肝气郁结证证候量表。Objective To develop a syndrome scale for Liver-qi stagnation syndrome.

当血流缓慢或停滞时,这种分层状况随之消失。As slowing and stagnation of the flow ensue, this laminar flow disappears.

但这样做的同时,他们也在将中国经济拖向长年累月的停滞。Yet in doing so, they are condemning their economy to years of stagnation.

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鼓励创新。改变是我们的生命血脉,停滞则如同敲起丧钟。Encourage innovation. Change is our life-blood, stagnation our death knell.

停滞不前确实发生了,因为所有的实相都如此整齐的分离着。Indeed stagnation has taken place because all realms are so neatly separated.

看起来,肾盂内尿潴留可能大大地促使肾盂肾炎的发生。Stagnation of piddle in the kidney cavum seems to greatly encourage pyelitis.

血钻高会造成血液猫滞度埔高。The blood will drill high will cause blood cat stagnation Guangdong to be high.

停滞和疲惫是影响你专注力的另外的因素。Stagnation and fatigue are other factors that can negatively affect concentration.

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如何打破作物产量徘徊的局面是应找到答案的一个严重问题。How to break crop yield stagnation is a serious question warranting an explanation.

而税收和债务上的持续僵局将意味了许多年的经济停滞。A continuing gridlock around taxes and debt could mean years of economic stagnation.

如果中国想避免重蹈陷于不景气状态的日本的覆辙,就必须走一条与日本不同的道路。China must go a different way if it wants to avoid the stagnation that besets Japan.