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这对克莱瑞萨已经足够了。That was enough for Clarissa.

我们在店里就座后,克拉丽莎拿起菜单。Once we were seated inside, Clarissa picked up her menu.

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晚饭过后,克拉丽莎问谁要咖啡,没人回答。After that dinner, Clarissa asked who wanted coffee, and nobody did.

实际上,克拉丽莎认为她的优势之一就是她的灵活性。In fact, Clarissa believes one of her strengths is that she's flexible.

不过,通常克莱瑞萨才是决定给我们三个孩子买什么礼物的人。Still, Clarissa has generally decided which presents our three kids got.

我俩的婚姻生活中,日常开销几乎都是克拉丽莎控制的。Clarissa has handled our day-to-day finances for nearly all our marriage.

我时不时地提起这个话题,建议克拉丽莎重新加入到上班族大军中来。Periodically, I bring up the subject of Clarissa rejoining the work force.

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当她妈妈坚持让她选件礼物时,她要了袜子。When her mother insisted she had to get something, Clarissa asked for socks.

最后,我告诉克拉丽莎,如果她能坦白我们的债务状况,我就不会发火了。Finally, I told Clarissa if she was candid about our debts, I wouldn't go ballistic.

看到这里,你或许会认为我打算抱怨克拉丽莎花了多少钱买衣服。You might think I'm getting ready to complain about how much Clarissa spends on clothing.

再说,克拉丽莎黛洛维想,这麽好的早晨——新鲜得好像为著海滩上的孩子们。And then, thought Clarissa Dalloway, what a morning—fresh as if issued to children on a beach.

自从1991年夏天克拉丽莎即将生下我们的第三个孩子以来,她就没再工作过。Clarissa hasn't worked since the summer of 1991, shortly before she delivered our third child.

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克拉莉莎知道,对于丧子的福克斯·克洛芙特太太以及贝克斯·伯纳福太太来说,战争还没有结束。Clarissa knows that the war is not over for Mrs Foxcroft or Lady Bexborough who have lost sons.

一个晴朗的夏日早晨,主人公克拉丽莎·达洛维走在伦敦的街道,为自己晚上的派对采买物品。Clarissa Dalloway goes around London in the morning, getting ready to host a party that evening.

1891年9月15日,阿加莎·玛丽·克拉丽莎·米勒出生于英国的托尔奎市。On that day, Sept. 15, in the year 1891, Agatha May Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, England.

是克拉丽莎带他去看医生,当他晚上难以入眠时陪在他身边。Clarissa was the one who toted him to the doctor and stayed up with him when he had a rough night.

克拉莉莎想着那个聚会,“晚上在白金汉宫的聚会,她自己也在其中”。Clarissa herself thinks of a party ‘that night in Buckingham Palace. And Clarissa too gave a party’.

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克拉丽莎津津有味地享用着她的鱼,而我大部分时间都在后悔,自己应该也点鱼的。They were bad. Clarissa enjoyed her fish, and I spent most of the meal wishing I had ordered the same.

我想,如果让克拉丽莎来想方设法应付下个月的所有开支,她花钱就会悠着点儿了。I figure Clarissa will spend less if she's in charge of sweating out paying all the bills the following month.

如果我不这么做,我和洛根会一起掉下去,而克拉莉莎现在只能一个人孤零零地坐在这里。If I hadn't, Logan and I might have dropped together, and Clarissa would have been sitting here alone tonight.