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“啊噢,”意识到犯了错误,我说。"Uh-oh," I said, realizing my mistake.

大概是意识到你想成为怎样的一个人。Probably realizing what kind of person you are.

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但是实现这样的计划可能太快也太过了。But realizing such plans can be too much too soon.

后来,她开始意识到自己这样错了。Subsequence, she starts realizing she so miscount.

只有证悟解脱,才是究竟的依靠。Only realizing enlightenment is the ultimate reliance.

意识到你的赔礼道歉可能对他们而言还是不够的。Realizing that your apology may not be enough for them.

我意识到我的自律才是我真正的自由。Realizing that my self-discipline was really my freedom!

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部分自产边材,实现超低成本加工。Partial self-produced sapwood, realizing low cost process.

认清了现实之后,揭示者偷了一些真正的膳食。Realizing the reality, the revealer steals some real meal.

领导者们都晓得实现理想的重要意义。Leaders know all about the importance of realizing visions.

什么个人习惯干扰我实现我的计划?Are any personal habits interfering with realizing my plans?

ECAP是实现材料纯剪切变形的有效方法。ECAP is an effective method realizing pure shear deformation.

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没有事情可以阻止我们实现四个现代化。Noting can prevent us from realizing the four modernizations.

莱扎克意识到可能追不上了,但是他决定拼了。Realizing he might not catch up, Lezak rose to the challenge.

正好想到了一个非常完美的礼物送与别人。Realizing you've thought of a truly perfect gift for someone.

课程设置是培养目标的具体化。The curriculum is the concrete application of realizing goal.

晨早起来,发觉自己仍然活着,那就是快乐。Happiness is waking up and realizing that you are still alive.

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总之,实现中东和平进程还很困难。In sum, realizing Arab-Israel peace process is very difficult.

为什么不利用,人们并未意识到那是朵红玫瑰这点?why not make any chance of people not realizing that it's red?

实现海底微形地貌的可视化。Realizing the visualization of the seabed subminiature terrain.