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没日没夜。Day and night.

夜间班。At night class.

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并非在那晚。Not that night.

我是个熬夜的人。I'm a night owl.

米系列“夜猎者”。Mi Night Hunter.

夜盲好么?。Night Blindness.

一夜风流。One night stand.

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我整夜工作。I work all night.

弄盏小夜灯。Get a night light.

噢,夜幕降临。Oh, night befalls.

那夜我哭了。I cried that night.

我常有夜间盗汗现象。I get night sweats.

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我的西门夜。My Ximending night.

夜深了。The night deepened.

朝晖渐现,黑夜已遁。The night had gone.

夜在逐渐消逝。The night wears on.

在寒夜前进。Cold night advances.

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他通宵未眠。He was up all night.

人非个夜猫女。I am a night person.

我是晚上死缠烂打。I'm a night stalker.