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莎士比亚阅读量应当是惊人的。It is also likely that Shakespeare read voraciously.

希望有朝一日能成为一名作家。She read voraciously and hoped one day to become a writer.

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他们贪婪地一下就喝光所有的可食用的饮用水。They voraciously drank all the edible and potable water at one time.

一年前这个词才成为IT行话,现在已经广为传播。The term entered into IT-speak only a year ago and has spread voraciously.

蚊子趴在她的额头,贪婪地吸食着她的血。The mosquito was lying on her forehead, drinking blood from her voraciously.

本地鸥会贪婪地冲向这些施舍,而北极燕鸥却会继续往前飞。Local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, while the tern flies on.

达尔文被邀请参加塞奇威克的地质学讲座,整个春季学期他都贪婪地就这个课程进行阅读。Darwin was invited to attend his geology lectures and read voraciously on the subject all spring term.

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她贪婪地阅读,而且总是相信一切能从书中学到的可信的东西。She reads voraciously and tends to believe that anything worth knowing about can be learned about in books.

战壕中的英国士兵如饥似渴地阅读,定期给自己或家人写信。British soldiers in the trenches read voraciously , and wrote regularly, to their families and for themselves.

他在坎帕拉呆了六个月,干点零活,并且一有时间就到图书馆去,贪婪地阅读着各种书籍。He remained in Kampala for six months, working at odd jobs and spending every spare moment in the library, reading voraciously.

中国近年来下决心尽可能多地收购拉美地区的农田,贪得无厌,如狼似虎,而印度企业似乎没这么“热情”。They also don't seem as determined to buy up agricultural land as voraciously in Latin America as China has begun to do in recent years.

帕特森如饥似渴的阅读诗歌和文学经典,凭借自我导向的教育不仅弥补,而且还胜过了学校教育。Paterson more than made up for the lack of schooling with self-directed education, voraciously reading the classics of poetry and literature.

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过去的剧烈喷射之后,四千度的气体气囊缓慢消失,当年,这个黑洞比现在更贪婪地吞噬着物质。Red lobes of 40-million-degree gas linger from violent eruptions in the past, when the black hole was consuming matter more voraciously than it is now.

在某些年份中,会有不知名的蝴蝶幼虫侵害一些树木个体,它们大量吞食树叶,并阻碍花朵和果实的成长。In some years, the larvae of a nondescript moth may infest individual trees, feeding voraciously on the leaves, and inhibiting the development of flowers and fruit.

狮子鱼的天敌极少,主要以小鱼、虾和螃蟹味主食,它们在加勒比海和大西洋海域迅速繁殖起来。With few natural predators, they have been rapidly expanding in Caribbean and Atlantic waters, voraciously preying on local fish, shrimp and crab populations across the region.

多读。加入一些邮件列表,以此为启点。要加入的好的列表包括开源社区列表,编程列表和安全焦点的安全概要列表。Read voraciously . Join some mailing lists, for a start. Good lists to join include open source community lists, programming lists, and the Security-Basics list at SecurityFocus.

例如,在许多场合下强烈表现饥饿感尽管是总难以避免的,但却总是不体面的,吃饭的时候狼吞虎咽也会被认为是不礼貌。Violent hunger, for example, though upon many occasions not only natural, but unavoidable, is always indecent, and to eat voraciously is universally regarded as a piece of ill manners.