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“美国的消费者没有回来”,斯彭斯指出。"The American consumer isn't going to come back, " Spence said.

斯彭斯承认自己正在拼命思考,也许“想法有些过头了”。Spence admits he is thinking aloud and going "way beyond the data".

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斯彭斯说,“我对美国的未来有种痛苦的感觉。“I have this gnawing feeling about the future of America, ” says Spence.

霍威尔说联苯没有压力下采取新的考绩制度,从总统败选。Spence said PCTs were not under pressure to take new PAS systems from CSC.

斯潘塞和我在差不多30年的时候里相互了解,度过好的和坏的时光。Almost 30 years Spence and I had known each other, through good and bad times.

约翰·斯彭斯正在向第一国民银行的一位职员询问有关往来帐户的事宜。John Spence is asking a clerk at the First National Bank about current accounts.

但斯彭斯表示,这些并不足以提振停滞的全球经济。But Spence said that's not enough to lift the global economy out of the doldrums.

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前沿杂志是面试教授迈克尔斯宾塞在斯坦福大学。Frontier Journal is interviewing Professor Michael Spence at Stanford University.

邓克尔则认为,说话的时候不要用“我认为”开头,因为这会减弱你所讲内容的份量。Spence. Don't begin sentences with the phrase 'I think, ' as it demeans what you're saying , says Ms.

纽约大学的两位教授Michael和Sandle最近的一篇论文说明了这一点。This is illustrated by a recent paper by Michael Spence and Sandile Hlatshwayo, both of New York University.

斯彭斯指出,顶层的工人或许会以收集荣誉——如大学学位——的行为为信号,向企业展示自己的才华。Mr Spence showed that top workers might signal their talents to firms by collecting gongs, like college degrees.

斯彭斯还预测,中国会继续保持对人民币的严格控制,以确保经济稳定。Spence expects the Chinese to continue its tight control of its currency to make sure of keeping the economy stable.

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不过,必和必拓斯彭斯矿,在智利北部也正处在一个工人罢工已进入第39天拖之中。However, BHP's Spence mine, also in the Chilean north, is now in the midst of a labor strike which has dragged into its 39th day.

在耶鲁校园中最“红”的两个人物大概就是耶鲁本科生院院长理查德·布洛德海德和汉学家乔纳森·斯彭斯了。The two most "popular" figures on the Yale campus are probably Richard Brodhead, dean of Yale College, and sinologist Jonathan Spence.

然而,大部分经济学家不像斯彭斯那样悲观,街头巷尾的普通美国民众也对斯彭斯的悲观主义做了最有力的回应。Most economists are not as bleak as Spence. But it is in the neighbourhoods among ordinary Americans that his pessimism gets its loudest echo.

斯宾塞说,不要跟在同事后面清理乱摊子,或是往会议室里送咖啡,否则,你有可能给别人留下这种固定印象,长此以往,会被一些人“占便宜”。Ms. Spence says never clean up after your co-workers or bring coffee to meetings -- you'll run the risk of being stereotyped and taken advantage of.

Spence和Pidgeon建议转变期间,当程序变化,提供有用的机会发展新的、可持续的习惯。Spence and Pidgeon suggest that periods of transition, where routines are already in flux, provide useful opportunities to develop new, more sustainable habits.

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斯彭斯说,与如何花钱有关的大多数问题——比如花钱成瘾或者花钱太少——是下意识的并由不良的情感所引起。Spence said that most problems with handling money, such as spending addictions and over and underspending, are subconscious and caused by dysfunctional emotions.

另外,我们借用M.斯彭斯的劳动力市场分离博弈,研究了代理人将自己的企业家能力作为“信号传递”的博弈模型。Moreover we use the Signaling Game Model which was used by M. Spence for the equilibrium analysis of job market to analyze the equilibrium of entrepreneurial ability market.

斯彭斯说,“对于未来,其他人也许会非常明显地感到悲观,但是美国人民的词汇里没有悲观主义,而且大多数人会审时度势,调整好自己的方向,他们做得会比任何经济学家都好!”“To be pessimistic about the future is so new for Americans and so strikingly un-American, ” says Spence. “But most people grasp their own situations way better than any economist.”