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图示成年人卵巢,可见两个黄体。This is an adult ovary with two corpora lutea.

语料库在词典编纂中具有强大的优势。It turns out that Corpora have great advantages in lexicography.

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这又将会导致Corpora总体医疗费用的下降。This in turn will cause a decrease in overall medical costs in Corpora.

包含本书中分析和处理的语言语料库。This contains the linguistic corpora that are analyzed and processed in the book.

五大类连字式复合词的词性排序在三个语料库中也无显著差别。Besides, there is no difference in the orders of the five types in the three corpora.

它包举了二百五十七个僧人,是佛教史上的重要著作。The work, which has great value in Buddhism history, is important linguistic corpora.

参加第一批数据资源的整理和评估。Each co-founder should participate in organizing and evaluating the first batch of ccc corpora.

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本文的语料是录音转写来的,转写符号借鉴了国外会话研究的成果。The corpora in this thesis are collected by transcription of record sound in Chinese courtroom.

腺腔内可见粉红色层状的淀粉样小体。The small laminated pink concretions within the glandular lumens are known as corpora amylacea.

新的教学材料和技术被运用到了本论文实验中---语料库索引和多媒体。The new material and technology are used in the experiment, that is, the corpora and the multimedia.

本文主要研究基于未对齐的汉英双语库翻译对抽取。This paper focuses on extracting translation pairs from unaligned Chinese English bilingual corpora.

从语料库的角度来研究文法和语言的关系,或许更贴近于事实。A more viable means of approaching the truth of language may be through the investigation of corpora.

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在本文中,主要研究训练库自动获取的方法。However, most researchers have drawled conclusions based on testing training corpora build by themselves.

对学习者语料进行自动词性赋码,可以使语料库获得“增值”,便于对中介语进行更深层次的研究。POS tagging can bring "added value" to learner corpora and thus enable in-depth studies of interlanguage.

提出了一种利用双语语料库自动抽取多词翻译等价对的方法。This paper describes a method to acquire multi-word translational equivalences from English-Chinese parallel corpora.

介绍了使用混合策略从汉英双语语料库中抽取搭配的方法。This paper introduces a new approach to extract collocation from Chinese-English parallel corpora using hybrid strategy.

而处理试虫的脑、咽侧体和心侧体的体积和结构无明显变化。Vulume and structrution of Brain, corpora allatum and corpus cardiacum of Treated test insect did not changed apparently.

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心理语言学认为,预制语块这一概念应是从语言学习者的角度来看的意义单位。Methodologically, this research is done on the basis of psycholinguistic theory and with the aid of data from two corpora.

正本清源,本文重点对其全集通行本——“瀛本”进行源流考述,以期为周必大研究打下文献基础。The paper mostly studies the headstream about Ying-edition of Zhou-Bida s corpora in order to lay a literature foundation.

内分泌系统主要由脑神经分泌细胞、心侧体、咽侧体及前胸腺组成。The endocrine system mainly consisted of brain neurosecretory cells, corpora cadiaca, corpora allata and prothoracic glands.