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兰伯特是一只小狮子。Lambert is a baby lion.

销户是由兰伯特女士办理的。Ms. Lambert handles all our closures.

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兰伯特这会儿也会从东湾赶过来。And Lambert has come up from the East Bay.

十二年来,无论兰伯特还是卡诺,两人都没有认真考虑过这个点子。Lambert and Cano had toyed with the idea for 12 years.

Lamber称,“似乎有两个解释。"There seems to be two prongs to this, " said Lambert.

领导学者兰伯特认为“或许他们曾展开生死搏斗”。"Maybe they were fighting, " study leader Lambert said.

并说可以相信15名水员是安全的。Cmdr Lambert said the 15 men were all believed to be safe.

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兰伯特用力推了勒克韦尔一把,把他送上了路。Lambert gave Luckwell a hefty shove to send him on his way.

“你想来看看我们的事务所吗?”奥利佛•兰伯特问道。"Would you like to come to visit us?" asked Oliver Lambert.

头条新闻包括肯尼切斯尼,米兰达兰伯特和糖城。Headliners include Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert and Sugarland.

兰伯特在理论制图学方面开创了一个新纪元。J. h. lambert initiated a new epoch in the theoretical cartography.

奥利佛•兰伯特清了清嗓子,决定亲自出马了。Oliver Lambert cleared his throat and. decided to get personal again.

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兰伯特把所有消毒环节全部加倍,并加入了自己的一些方法。Lambert doubled all of the cleaning processes and added some of his own.

但是兰伯特立即回复说,三层蛋糕运起来很困难,无法送货。But Lambert quickly replied that a three-tiered cake was too dicey to ship.

本·兰伯特是一名法国著名的歌唱家,他今个夏天打算进行一个长的假期。Ben Lambert is a famous French singer and he is taking a long vacation this summer.

但是正如兰伯特先生所指出的,“头脑发热,一时冲动的不仅仅是银行。But, as Mr Lambert points out, “It wasn’t just the banks which had a rush of blood to the head.

他们点点头,对这个问题表示认可。兰伯特和麦克耐特看着拉马尔。这是他回答的问题。They nodded and approved of the question. Lambert and Mcknight looked at Lamar. This answer was his.

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歌手米兰达?兰贝特击败安德伍德,获得年度最佳女歌手等三项大奖。Singer Miranda Lambert won three awards, including best female vocalist, at the expense of Underwood.

考威尔说兰伯特可能因为他17岁的合作伙伴有机会留下来。Cowell said Lambert might have given his 17-year-old duet partner a chance to stay in the competition.

创始人埃莉诺兰伯特最后一次出席了时装周,一个月后就是她的百岁生日。Founder Eleanor Lambert makes her last appearance at fashion week, one month after her 100th birthday.