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打开别离舱门,美国经典片子。哈尔。Open the pod bay doors- HAL.

那榆荫下的一潭。The pod under the elms' shadow.

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这种荚果或用作食物的种子。Such a pod or seed used as food.

枪兵将怎样登录空降舱?How will Marines mount into a pod?

直到有一天豆荚就爆开啦!Until one day the pod went popped!

赫尔,请打开辅助舱通道门。Open the pod bay doors, please, Hal.

哈尔,请打开辅助舱通道门。Open the pod bay doors, please. HAL.

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他们非常相象,就象一个豆荚里的两颗豌豆。They're as alike as two peas in a pod.

最终增加单株开花数、单株饱果数和荚果产量。As a result, it increased the pod yield.

我们就像被夹在豆荚里的四颗豆子,飘摇不定。Rattling around like four peas in a pod.

某些豆科植物的种子或荚果。Seed or pod of certain leguminous plants.

他已经学会了弹跳过海藻群。He had learned how to bounce off a seaweed pod.

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雷恩躺在低温舱冷冷的床铺上。Raine lay down on the cool bed of the cryo pod.

一群海豚向我们游了过来,边游边嬉戏。A pod of dolphins decided to come over and play.

他到达第五区域入口多长时间了?How long until he gets to the Pod Five entrance?

用一个翼伞将分离舱飘回地球。A parafoil is deployed to fly the pod back to earth.

而且我们不要忘记了行业标准的过氧化物音!And let's not forget the industry-standard POD tone!

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花为典型的蝶形花,果实为荚果。The flower is typical papilionaceous and fruit is pod.

公主制造了到她自己的睡眠荚的路,而且进入。Princess made way to her own sleep pod , and got inside.

该纹章狮子的上方是持有可可荚。The heraldic lion across the top is holding a cocoa pod.