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很多朊病毒类型的疾病是由同类相食所导致的。Much prion type diseases can be caused by cannibalism.

关于人吃人的想法几千年以前就开始了。The idea of cannibalism stems back thousands of years.

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库鲁病与吃人习惯之间的联系似乎是相当清楚了。The link between kuru and cannibalism seemed clear enough.

他们一般吃人肉,有时也生吃那些被他们杀死的其他敌人。They practice cannibalism and sometimes eat their slain enemies raw.

该病的传播是由于部族人过度地按宗教仪式嗜食人肉。It was spread because the tribespeople indulged in ritual cannibalism.

中国历史上重复出现的同类相残的行为证明了这些苦难。Proof of this misery is the cannibalism that recurs in China's history.

中国历代反复出现的人相食现象就是这一悲惨世界的证据。Proof of this misery is the cannibalism that recurs in China's history.

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我们看过年轻的螳,因为受伤,而给其他的螳吃掉。We have seen young gladiators , when injured, fall victim to cannibalism.

一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed.

没有一部联邦法律或是麻省法律将食人列入犯法的事。There's no Federal law, no Massachusetts law that criminalizes cannibalism.

仁义充塞而至于率兽食人,人将相食,谓之亡天下。Ren injects As for the rate of animal food, will cannibalism , that the world perishes.

并非所有巨魔都使用巫毒,但至少使用巫毒的巨魔不比食人的少。Not all trolls practice voodoo, but it is certainly at least as widespread as cannibalism.

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人吃人本身很古老了,但如果不被禁止的话,它仍然是一种忌讳。The idea of cannibalism in itself is not new, but it is completely taboo, if not forbidden.

他们不知道为什麽吃人是件不好的事情,不过有时吃人会带来点好处。They, however, don't know why cannibalism is a bad thing gand that can be useful sometimes.

强壮箭虫有同种相残的习性,但发生频率不高。Sagitta crassa are cannibalistic although the occurrence frequency of cannibalism is not high.

又及,这是网络上的骗局,长个心眼,食人哪怕是在中国也是犯法的。PS. This is an internet hoaxpeople get real, cannibalism is STILL against the law in China as well.

得出的结论是黑尔克斯海姆地区的人们在饥荒时期举行的嗜食同类的行为很难说得通。The theory that the people of Herxheim turned to cannibalism at a time of famine makes little sense.

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政府对此“争只眼闭只眼”,从来不曾有过任何对“吃人罪”的起诉。The government turned a blind eye to the situation, as people were rarely prosecuted for cannibalism.

如果这还不算丢脸,那我不知道还有什么算得上了。美利坚,接下来会发生什么呢,人吃人合法?。If this isn't humiliating, then I don't know what else could be. What's next, America, legalized cannibalism?

现代的食人案记录始于哥伦布西印度群岛的探险。The first known modern accounts of cannibalism were reported following Columbus’ expedition to the West Indies.