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他把小口袋放在桌上。He placed it on the table.

因为是他把我放进笼中。Because He placed me there.

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我觉得这些都处理得很好。I thought it was well placed.

你把金戒戴在我的手指上。You placed gold on my finger.

弗洛里达州今年排名第三。Florida placed third this year.

玻璃餐具摆放正确。Glassware is placed to the right.

他把钱放在桌子上。He placed the money on the table.

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他们背后放置了一个毛绒玩具。A soft toy was placed behind them.

弥尔顿的地位次于莎士比亚。Milton is placed after Shakespeare.

他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。He placed his books in a neat stack.

它被放在船尾。It is placed in the stern of a boat.

那个孤儿被安顿在一个善良人家里。The orphon was placed in a good home.

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一面红旗挂在那里作为标记。A red flag was placed there as a sign.

是否对破坏进行了定损?Has a value been placed on the damage?

他被装进了美国海军的埋葬袋里。He was placed in a US Navy burial bag.

展览品分别陈列于不同的大厅。Exhibits are placed in different halls.

他在天平盘上放了两个砝码。He placed two weights in the scale pan.

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有人在桌子上放一盏灯。Someone had placed a lamp on the table.

神位忌安置在道的上方。Bogey tablets placed in the top of Road.

他把杯子和茶碟放到桌上。He placed cups and saucers on the table.