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你会看起来像一名小黑道。You'll look like a little mobster.

他们计划把歹徒杀死。They planned to bump off the mobster.

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有一名歹徒叫杰克,他使布罗德里克实在无法容忍。One mobster whom Broderick couldn't abide was Jack.

陪审团的裁判有利于那匪徒。The verdict of the jury was in favor of the mobster.

那帮坐在咖啡店里的黑手党,小口喝着小杯子里的茶。Mobster thugs sitting in cafes, sipping tea in little glasses.

那你不否认去了拉斯维加斯见这个臭名昭著的匪徒?So you don't deny going to Las Vegas to meet with a reputed mobster.

他饰演了一位无甚名气的拳赛经纪人“土耳其”,饱受匪首“榔头”托普之扰。He plays a small time boxing promoter named Turkish who’s being hassled by the mobster Brick Top.

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被害人曾因抢劫案在监狱服过刑,不过她的姐姐否认被害人是一名卡莫拉黑帮成员。The murdered man had served time in jail for robbery, but his sister denied he was a Camorra mobster.

知道不,我越想越觉得强盗酱里不可能包含丰富的强盗肉。它被归在海鲜里。You know, the more I think about it, the Mobster Sauce couldn"t possibly contain chunks of mobster. It was listed under Seafood."

当这个暴徒发现的时候,如我预料的一样,他杀了那个书商但是你绝对难以相信他的妻子所做的。When the mobster finds out, it won't be shocking for me to say he kills the bookseller but you will not believe what the wife did.

例如意大利人很反感,当电视上一出现意大利裔美国人时,他们通常都是黑道家族的成员。And so people, for instance, object to the fact that when there's Italian Americans on TV they're often members of the Sopranos, a mobster family.

例如意大利人很反感,当电视上一出现意大利裔美国人时,他们通常都是黑道家族的成员。And so people, for instance, object to the fact that when there's Italian Americans on TV they're often members of the Sopranos, a mobster family.

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一个野蛮的暴徒买下了他最爱的饭店,那是他生命中的唯一,他视身边的一切如粪土。A barbaric mobster buys his favorite restaurant where he, just like anything else in his life, treats everything and everyone around him like shit.

他已经被拘留俄,警察保留了起诉他的权利。相关证据显示包括他在内的犯罪团伙确实参加了这次抢劫。He has been detained, and the police retain the right to indict him. The pertaining evidence shows that the mobster containing him did join the robbery.

他本来是一个很能干的律师,但是他跟一个公司的丑闻有牵连,而那个公司是由流氓集团经营的。从那时起他一直被人怀疑。He's supposed to be a very smart lawyer, but he's been under a cloud ever since he was mixed up in a scandal involving a company that was run by a mobster.

他本来是一个很能干的律师,但是自从他和一个公司的丑闻有牵连以来,他一直被人怀疑,而那个公司是由流氓集团经营的。He's supposed to be a very smart lawyer, but he's been under a cloud ever since he was mixed up in a scandal involving a company that was run by a mobster.

操那些布莱顿海滩上的俄国人,那帮坐在咖啡店里的暴徒,戴着墨镜喝着茶,糖勺放在牙齿中间,都他妈的从哪来就回哪去吧!Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach, Mobster thugs sitting in cafes, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth, Go back where you fucking came from!