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什么样的育肥牛,从哪儿来?What kind of feeder cattle, from where?

好的邻居会产生好的直属学校。Good neighbors make good feeder schools.

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确保磨床与送料机之间的安全。Between the grinder and feeder to ensure safety.

一个好的干湿饲喂产床有优势。A good wet dry farrow crate feeder has advantage.

当我们再加饲料的时候,小鸟就唧唧喳喳叫个不停。The birds peeped exactly as we refilled the feeder.

供料泵变频控制,自动调节流量。VFC for feeder pump to automatically regulate the flow.

咸海的干涸是由于汇入咸海的河流被过度使用。The drying is due to overuse of the lake's feeder rivers.

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本投料机为弧毯式投料机,适用于大投料口作业。It is arc blanket chargers, be applied to big feeder nose.

得到了一种结构简单而高效的喇叭馈源。A simple and ef- ficint pyramidal horn feeder is available.

一只年轻的雄鹿走进了喂食区。A spike a young buck walks into a clearing near the feeder.

蜂鸟送料机安装在我湖边的甲板上。Hummingbird feeder is located on my back deck on lake side.

饲养员用新饲料喂猪好让它们长肉。The feeder fed new feed to pigs so that they laid on fresh.

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一只spike,一只幼小的雄鹿,走进了喂食器附近的空地。A spike, a young buck, walks into a clearing near the feeder.

它落在野鸟喂食器上,开始进食。It landed on the bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched.

这一整天,他在喂料器和枝桠之间来来回回。All day long he flies back and forth from his branch to the feeder.

进线开关、环网馈线开关的联锁关系。Interconnection switch and loop network feeder switch are analyzed.

可根据用户要求设计各种模具和加料器。Can design any mould and feeder according to customer's requirement.

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据饲养员介绍,这只金丝猴是个标准的“痴情男”。This golden monkey is a normal "spoony male", introduced the feeder.

在植入线圈后,该分支血管成功形成了血栓。Coils were placed, and the feeder vessel was successfully thrombosed.

另外对系统的双工体制及天馈线也进行了分析和讨论。In addition the duplex system, antenna and feeder line are discussed.