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这项研究的主要目标是,看看是否依诺肝素减少PVT的发病率。The study's primary goal was to see if enoxaparin reduced the incidence of PVT.

而在上述同种心理动作警觉作业测速中,内向型人所受影响则相对不那么明显。Introverts’ speed on the PVT was relatively unaffected by prior social exposure.

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油藏流体PVT分析中常取得脱气的流体样品。Liquid samples of oil reservoirs collected for PVT analysis were often degassed.

6月9日,82空降师列兵阿瑟·舒尔兹在蒙特伯格镇外。On June 9, Pvt. Arther "Dutch" Schulz of the 82nd Airborne was outside Montebourg.

文章通过实验得出了干摩擦状态和水润滑状态下的PVT曲线并分析其对轴承设计的影响。At last, the affection of PVT graphs on design of water lubricated bearings is analyzed.

介绍了一套自行研制的制冷工质PVT实验用精密低温恒温槽。In this paper, a precise low temperature thermostat is developed for PVT measurement of refrigerants.

例如,82空降师列兵费伊特·理查德森讲述一故事——包含两项教训之个案。Pvt. Fayette Richardson of 82nd, for example, told a story that contained two lessons from one incident.

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在保压阶段采用了压力随时间成正比下降的近似PVT控制。An approximate PVT control making pressure to decrease proportionally to time is adopted for holding pressure.

通过分析天然气对原油高压物性的影响,研究了古潜山油藏的注气机理。Gas injection mechanism in buried hill reservoir has been studied through analyzing the impact of gas on oil PVT.

俄勒冈州波特兰市的陆军列兵,扎克劳森,22岁,星期四,他在给在阿灵顿国家公墓的坟墓前插国旗。Army Pvt . Zach Lawson, 22, of Portland, Ore. , places flags on graves at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday.

纯物质的参数由拟合纯物质的蒸汽压,饱和液相密度或超临界的PVT数据获得。Pure component parameters were obtained by fitting vapor pressure, saturation liquid density and supercritical PVT data.

第二、三章,我们研究了含特殊约束最优化问题的PVD算法和PVT算法。In the second and third chapter, we mainly concerned PVD algorithms and PVT algorithms for constrained optimization problem.

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站在它后面从左至右分别是二等兵路易斯·罗宾斯,长岛训犬师和波多黎各一等兵胡安·格托斯以及同样来自波多黎各的一等兵卡洛斯·罗德里格斯。With him left to right, are Private Louis Robbins, dog trainer of Long Island City, Pfc. Juan Gotos of Puerto Rico, and Pvt.

它的命名是为了纪念二战中牺牲的第一个美国伞兵、第82空降师的二等兵约翰。T。It's named for Pvt. John T. Mackall of the 82nd Airborne Division, the first American paratrooper to be killed in combat in World War Two.

支持多种运动模式,包括点到点,慢跑,分割,主从,并任意路径的PVT三次插值。Supports a wide range of motion modes, including point-to-point, jog, segmented, master-slave, and arbitrary path with PVT cubic interpolation.

其诊治关键在于早期发现和及时抗凝溶栓治疗,预防性抗凝并不能明显降低发生率。The preventive anticoagulation can not decrease incidence of PVT. The key point of therapy is early diagnosis and early anticoagulant treatment.

这次会议是由党卫军纺织媒体列兵有限公司组织的,这是一家非常知名的公司,主要负责举办贸易展览会和一些重大活动。This conference is being organized by SS Textile Media Pvt. Ltd. , who is very reputed and renowned company, engaged in organizing trade fairs and events.

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她的儿子马修·J·阿诺德23岁,是个列兵,他的部队可能派往中东,马修从得州的胡德堡打来电话要她帮忙填写有关文书。Her son, Pvt. Matthew J. Arnold, 23, whose unit might be deployed to the Middle East, called her from Fort Hood, Tex., to ask for her help filling out paperwork.

运行的直升机看来不符合安全航行标准。飞行员也需接受高空操作训练。…The helicopters operating do not appear to be flight worthy. Also the pilots need training for operating in high altitude. Pvt companies be monitored by the DGCA.

目前主要通过PVT取样分析测定和相关经验公式来确定它,前者费用高,后者精度差,给饱和压力的确定带来困难。It is defined by PVT sampling analysis with high cost and related experience formulae with low accuracy at present, so it is difficult to define the saturation pressure.