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顺便说下,真正的语法学家已经将所有样本熟记于心。Real grammarians, by the way, have memorized the AP Stylebook.

它提供了写好英文新闻的要诀,及写作手册。It provides the secrets of writing English news and a stylebook.

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该方法能大大减少训练样本,同时保证故障覆盖率,有一定创新性。The method can reduce stylebook , ensure the fault rate and it is innovative.

借助于核变换解决了散度差准则在用于文本分类时线性可分性较差的问题。By kernel commutation, the stylebook categorization problem is solved with less linear separability.

在传统的产品选型过程中,一般是依据产品样本进行选型。The general way to choose product types is according to stylebook in traditional product types choosing process.

论文的最后在实验基础上,整理出故障训练及检验样本,编制了基于人工神经网络的故障诊断程序。At last a FDD tool is programmed based on ANN with experiment results which formed training stylebook and test stylebook.

但是对于一个博主来说,这是不可能的,也有一些博主会花几年时间去学习样本书。There is no way a blogger could hire for this, and few bloggers can justify spending the years it takes to memorize The AP Stylebook.

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利用误差反向传播的改进算法对样本数据进行训练,并用另外的一些样本数据验证模型的应用效果。Using the improved error backward propagation, the model is trained with stylebook data and validated its effect by other stylebook data.

通过引入“样本域”的概念,由所给的有限个样本建立最大相似于样本点的样本域,计算被测样本的相似度。By the idea of "stylebook domain", a domain that contains all stylebooks was created, to calculate the Similarity of the tested stylebook.

采用尿干化学法及观察尿沉渣镜检情况,对我所前来就诊的孕妇尿液标本进行分析。Methods analyzing the urine stylebook of clinic women in our clinic by using urine dry chemistry test paper and urine deposit mirror inspecting method.

岭参数K的确定依赖于未知参数,但是若只凭样本推断,就会使大量的经验和信息作用无从发挥。The confirmation of parameter K relies on unknown parameters. In the same time, a lot of experience and information are losing if we analyze only stylebook.

本文应用心理学、数理统计理论方法阐述这几种影响因素的机理,指出在产品设计中高准确性的客户需求信息调查方法。The design of questionnaire, the randomicity of sample and the capacity of stylebook are the main factors that influence the veracity of investigate information.

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引入的算法增大了大值输出样本和期望输出的误差,使得网络向着提高洪峰拟合精度的方向修改权重。The algorithm expands the error between the big value stylebook and anticipant output, making the network modify the weight toward the direction of higher simulating precision to flood peak.