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我还需要一对夫妇添加到页脚链接。I will also need a couple links added to footer.

它的顶部和底部分别有一个页眉和脚注。There is a header at top and a footer at bottom.

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链接不应该吨来自侧边栏或页脚。Links shouldn t come from sidebar or footer of the page.

在页脚,添加了控件来处理搜查事件。Added controls in the footer to handle the search operation.

用帖子页脚的位置显示其他或无关的标注。Use the footer of your posts for asides and unrelated notes.

将一个聚合组件插入到此报告的表尾。Insert an aggregation component into the footer of this report.

我在这里提供详细指导如何在页脚添加自定义属性。How to add attribute values to the footer in Magento, as a list?

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需要自定义页眉和页脚创建一个大的商业店铺。Need a custom header and footer created for a big commerce store.

选择用于在每一页上显示表格表头行和表格表尾行的选项。Select options to show table header and footer rows on each page.

在这一点上,您拥有附带美观的页眉和页脚的空白页。At this point, you have a blank page with a nice header and footer.

脚注、尾注、页眉、页脚或批注中不允许有索引。Index not allowed in footnote, endnote, header, footer , or comment.

无法将表单域粘贴到批注、页眉、页脚、脚注尾注或文本框中。Specify, edit, or delete the text you want in the header and footer.

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例如,假设我要在所有页面底部使用一个标准的页脚。For example, suppose I want a standard footer across all of my pages.

页尾样板可以是与装置无关的样板集合的一部分。The footer template can be part of a device-independent template set.

能显示出表格的页脚区来放置该命令按钮。Enable the showing of the footer area of the table to place the command button.

如果窗体被分页为多个屏幕,则每个屏幕都包含页脚。If the form is paginated into several screens, each screen contains the footer.

定义和应用可以应用到报告模板的页眉或页脚母版Define and apply header or footer masters that can be applied to report templates

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页面布局仍旧很简单,由一个页头、五个列和一个页脚构成。The layout is again very simple, consisting of a header, five columns and a footer.

除了标准的页脚导航,整个主页仅由这三个部分组成。Aside from the standard footer navigation, the homepage consists only of three parts.

如果设计允许,你可以把网站地图镶嵌在网页的页脚位置。If the design allows, you can even embed the sitemap right in the footer of the page.