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他们的迅速到来出乎我的意料之外。I was surprised by the speediness of their arrival.

该法具有快速、准确、客观和不损坏样品等特点。The method features speediness , exactness, impersonality, and non-invasion to the sample.

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与其他方法相比,光电比浊法具有操作简便、快速、精确度高的特点。Compared with other methods, it enjoys operational simplicity, speediness and high accuracy.

比较仿真实验结果证实了本算法的有效性和快速性。The comparative simulation results are shown the effectiveness and speediness of this algorithm.

并利用该设计方法设计了一种基于快速查表算法的由VHDL描述的ATM交换单元。ATM switch fabric based on the algorithm of speediness lookup table and VHDL is designed by this method.

为了适应快节奏的社会生活,人们在说话、写作过程中也追求简单、快捷。To adapt to the fast developing society, people are pursuing briefness and speediness in speaking and writing.

某电网实际负荷的计算结果验证了该方法的快速性与有效性。Actual load calculation about east China electrical net has verified the speediness and validity of this method.

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当代社会,生活节奏加快,时代向人们提出了快速写作的要求。In the contemporary era, with the living rhythm quicken, times brings forward some demands of speediness composition.

在车床轴向快速夹紧机构中,实现长距离的快速移动短距离锁紧的联动功能。In axes speediness clamp machine of lathe, It achieves linkage function of long remove mation and short remove lockup.

相对于颜所给的公式而言,用新的公式计算磁场具有计算速度快精度高的优点。Compared with Yan's equation, to calculate the field using this new equation has the advantages of speediness and nicety.

该方法既保证了控制系统的快速性和鲁棒性,又能够有效地削弱颤振。This method not only ensures speediness and robustness of the control system, but also can effectively weaken chattering.

该方法既保证了控制系统的快速性和鲁棒性,又能够有效地削弱颤振。This method not only ensures the speediness and robustness of the control system, but also can effectively weaken chattering.

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由于DSP芯片为FFT算法提供的快速专用指令使得程序在快速性和测量精确性方面有很大提高。As the DSP CMOS chip provides many special instructions to FFT, the program has large improvement in speediness and exactness.

优质的产品、合理的价格、准时、快捷、高效的增值服务,使我们业务市场有了更大的拓展。High quality production, reasonable price, on time, speediness and high effect, all of these make the company has a biger market.

本文在快速准确的原则上,仅利用视频序列中的时域信息,提出了一种运动对象的提取方法。Based on the rules of speediness and exactness, the method of moving object extraction is proposed only with temporal information.

其次,教师必须在课堂上表现得热情,必须有良好的个人品质和快速反应的能力。Secondly, a good teacher must show enthusiasm in class. He must have favourable personal qualities and speediness corresponsive ability.

对电动加载系统快速性和多余力消除这两个关键性的难点给出解决方案。Two key difficulties for speediness and eliminating the superabundant torque of the electric load simulation system are all investigated.

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在数字通信系统中可靠与快速往往是一对矛盾。为了解决可靠性,通信系统都采用了差错控制。Reliability and speediness are contradictory in the digital communication systems which adopt error control in order to solve reliability.

在快速准确的原则上,利用视频序列中的时域及空域信息,提出了一种分割运动对象的仿真方法。Based on the rules of speediness and exactness, the method of moving object segmentation is proposed with temporal and spacial information.

仿真结果表明,采用无撞击切换模糊PID双重控制保证了系统的快速和稳态性能好。The simulation results indicated that the Bumpless Transfer fuzzy PID dual mode control can ensure the speediness and stability of the system.