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我的办公隔间挨着一扇大窗户。My cubical is right next to a big window.

立方体建筑结构脆弱且不经济。Cubical buildings are structurally weak and uneconomic.

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离子的这种堆砌形成了普通食盐的立方形结晶。The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt.

其主要的半开放空间是一层的立方体形式的空间。The main semi-open space is a void on the first floor of the main cubical form.

三氧化二锑是一种粒度细微、色泽洁白的结晶粉末,其晶体结构主要为立方型。Antimony trioxide is a white fine powder with the main crystal structure as cubical shape.

理想情况下,我喜欢客户坐在我身边,距离近到小组中的人说什么他都能听到。Ideally, I'd like the customer to sit in my cubical area, close enough that he can overhear what the team is saying.

并证明了这种离散化格式对二维抛物弧板和三次曲线弧板等问题也具有超收敛性。Finally, superconvergence of the scheme for the flow around a parabolic camber or cubical parabolic camber is verified theoretically.

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电石渣制备高附加值的立方体晶型纳米碳酸钙成为一个研究的热点。It was a hot point of study on the preparation of high valued cubical crystal nano-sized calcium carbonate from calcium carbide residue.

利用微机对飞机外胎重力式立体仓库进行管理和控制,使仓库在控制和管理上实现了自动化。Microcomputer is used to manage and control the gravity cubical warehouse for storing plane tyres to realize automatic management and control.

走路时我一定要计算我的步数。进餐时我一定要计算汤碗与咖啡杯的体积及食物的件数。不然我就会食之无味。I counted the steps in my walks and calculated the cubical contents of soup plates, coffee cups and pieces of food – otherwise my meal was unenjoyable.

人们注意到有位神秘的、衣冠楚楚的绅士住在休斯敦校区散发有关一颗地外立方体行星的资料。A mysterious, well-dressed gentleman had been observed hanging out around the Houston-area campus, distributing literature about an alien, cubical planet.

文中通过对防空导弹效能分析的研究,建立了在三维空间内计算单发防空导弹毁伤概率的圆球毁伤规律模型。By researching the efficiency of airhurst fire, the paper establishes the cubical elliptical damage rule, and using it to assess airburst fire efficiency.

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宇宙空间都是点、线、面构成的立体空间,不存在四维、五维等多维空间。Cosmic spaces are cubical spaces formed by points, lines, and surfaces, and there are no such hyperspaces as four-dimensional spaces or five-dimensional spaces.

问问你隔壁的同事需不需要一杯咖啡,帮助你后面的人付车费,帮别人开门,或是给一个拥抱,微笑。Ask your co-worker in the next cubical over if they would like a coffee, pay the toll for the person in the car behind you, hold the door for someone, give a hug, smile.

主楼立方体建筑形式的灵感来自于保存总统签署官方行政和外交文件时使用的国玺的盒子。The cubical form of the main building was inspired by the box which holds the great seal used by presidents when signing official administrative and diplomatic documents.

进一步,我们利用三次优函数技巧建立了在某种意义“更优”的收敛性准则。Under one global condition on the function, instead of two, the convergence determinations are established by using quadratic and cubical majorizing functions respectively.

给出了在均匀介质中正方体导体和双导体互连线的十字形交越的电容参数,计算结果与FASTCAP软件所得到的一致。The computational examples are given for cubical conductor and two-bus crossover interconnects . The results are in good agreements with that of the FASTCAP software developed by MIT.

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这种液压反击式破碎机为客户提供低资本成本的解决方案,出色的性能,良好的立方体形状,每吨运行成本最低,应用广泛的材料。This Hydraulic impact crushers provide customers low capital cost solution, outstanding performance, good cubical shape, lowest operation cost per ton, and wide materials application.

本系列产品能处理边长100-500毫米以下物料,其抗压强度最高可达350兆帕,具有破碎比大,破碎后物料呈立方体颗粒等优点。This crusher have features of greater ruducing ratio, Creshed product with cubical shape, be suitable for crushing material with. edge length up to 100-500mm, compression strength up to 350 Mpa.