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投标包管金是为了保护招标机构战购圆免遭果投标冉材动做而担当义踪。Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer from losses because of any actions of tenderers.

招标人在收到投标人的确认函和投标保证金后,发出招标文件。The Tenderee will issue the Bidding Document after receiving the confirmation letter and bid security.

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投标人可以拒绝招标人的这种要求但不被没收投标保证金。The bidder may decline such a request of the tenderee without risk being deprived of the bid security.

招标人不得单独或者分别组织任何一个投标人进行现场踏勘。The tenderee may not organize only one tenderer or separately organized the tenderers to make on-spot surveys.

在此情况下,招标人和投标人受投标截止期制约的所有权利和义务均应延长至新的截止日期。In such a case, all the rights and obligations of the tenderee and bidder shall be extended to the new closing date.

中标人负责完成本项目控制性详规的编制工作,招标人另行支付30万元。The successful bidder should be in charge of the controllable detailed program designing and planning work and the Tenderee will pay RMB300000.

中国石化集团招标有限公司受招标人委托并代表招标人办理本工程招标的具体事宜。Entrusted by the tenderee, China Petrochemical Corporation Tendering Co. , Ltd transacts the details of tender for the engineering on behalf of tenderee.

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招投标计价方式的不合理是影响招标人利益和投标人之间公平竞争的关键所在。The unreasonable valuating style of tender and bidding is the key factor, which affects the interest of the tenderee and the fair competition among the bidders.

采用建筑工程实施性方案设计招标的,招标人应按照国家规定方案阶段设计付费标准支付中标人。If the design bidding of implementation construction project schemes is conducted, the tenderee shall pay the phased scheme design fee as set by the state to the bid winner.

第七条拟发布的招标公告文本应当由招标人或其委托的招标代理机构的主要负责人签名并加盖公章。Article 7 Before the Invitation to Bid is released, it shall be affixed by an official seal and it will also carrying the signature of the person-in- charge of the tenderee or his agent.

招标人不得利用前款规定将依法必须进行招标的项目化整为零,或者以其他任何方式规避招标。A tenderee may not, by taking advantage of the preceding paragraph, avoid the bidding by breaking a project, which is subject to bidding according to law, into parts or by any other means.

招标人应在招标文件中明确执行国家规定的设计收费标准或提供投标人设计收费的统一计算基价。A tenderee shall, in the bid invitation documents, clearly specify the design fees provided by the state or provide the tenderers with the uniform base prices for calculation of design fees.

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招标人将从有效申请文件中,通过评审选择五家设计单位参加投标。The Tenderee will choose Five applicants from all applicants to attend the following bidding. The applicants who pass the qualification pre-evaluation will receive the formal invitation for bid.

投标保证金除现金外,可以是银行出具的银行保函、保兑支票、银行汇票或现金支票,也可以是招标人认可的其他合法担保形式。The tender deposit may be, apart from cash, letter of guaranty issued by a bank, confirmed checks, bank drafts or cash checks, or any other lawful form of guaranty as recognized by the tenderee.

在原投标有效期结束前,出现特殊情况的,招标人可以书面形式要求所有投标人延长投标有效期。If any special circumstance occurs prior to the expiration of the original valid period of tenders, the tenderee may, in written form, ask all tenderers for the extension of valid tendering period.

招标人收到投标文件后,应当向投标人出具标明签收人和签收时间的凭证,在开标前任何单位和个人不得开启投标文件。The tenderee shall, after receiving the tender, issue to the tenderer a proof marked with the recipient and time of receipt, and no entity or individual may open the tender before the tender opening.