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杰克凝视着这个外星球的奇怪而充满野性的动人场面。Jake stares at the strange and wild alien tableau.

游行队伍中包跨黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型。The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings.

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此作的画面简洁得很,在一片“绿洲”中,几条渔舟撒下了大网。The tableau of this photograph is rather succinct. Among the oasis several fishers cast vast nets.

在一幅想象的画面里,一只饥饿的猫与一只即将成为猎物的老鼠在激烈地争吵。In an imaginative tableau a hungry cat is seen arguing earnestly with the mouse who is to be her victim.

实际上,过多的装饰物不仅会转移你对细节的注意,而且会使你的家看起来一片凌乱。Too much stuff actually draws your eye away from detail and makes the tableau of your home a noisy blur.

我拉开岁月的帷幕,时间存在过的证明只留下一幅幅灰白的画面。I pull open the years drapery , the certificate there have existed in time leaving the pale tableau only.

在泰布鲁有玉米浓汤,烤甜菜沙拉,拿破仑风味豆腐还有杏仁奶或豆奶拿铁咖啡。Tableau offers creamy corn soup, roasted beet salad, napoleon of savory tofu and almond or soy milk latte.

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它在空中漂浮,直径大约一码,里面展示着一片充满生机的世界——碧蓝的天空、翠绿的大地。Floated, about a foot in diameter, and within it showed a tableau of a land with blue sky and green fields.

周围是沙漠的山脊,点缀着郁郁葱葱的绿洲,从视觉来说,死海景象极为壮观。Surrounded by desert ridges interspersed with lush oases, the Dead Sea presents a visually stunning tableau.

爸爸用他的大手包住我的后脑勺,我想这个欢迎回家的生动场面还会永远继续下去。Dad cupped the back of my head with his large hand, and I thought this homecoming tableau might go on forever.

在一个童话般团结的戏剧性场面中,他们——土库曼人和斯拉夫人——伴随着凄切的音乐在摇摆和轻声歌唱。They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music – Turc and Slav together – in a tableau of fairytale unity.

研究了画面与基面处于不同位置时的透视体系特征。It introduces the perspective system feature in different positions between tableau and datum plane inclination.

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可我偏偏什么也不愿说出口!一切都定格在我们依靠在一起的那张画面。But, intentionally my what also reluctant doctrine utter! All fix a lattice in our support together that tableau.

在最左边很容易触及的高度,少了一名侍者,这一缺口破坏了画面的对称性。On the far left at an easy-to-reach height, one attendant is missing, a gap that destroys the symmetry of the tableau.

在朝鲜,宽阔,空旷的街区和着装单调的市民就是一幅极权主义的真实写照。In North Korea, the broad, desolate avenues and drably dressed citizens make for a perfect tableau of authoritarianism.

“证明我的爱”是的胆怯,难忍欲望的场景,一个精疲力竭的阴阳人困在一个堕落的性爱地铁。"Justify My Love" is an eerie, sultry tableau of jaded androgynous creatures, trapped in a decadent sexual underground.

指出,因变量有界所引起的种种麻烦在这里通过单纯形表的小小变动便加以解决了。And it points out that a lot of troubles caused by bounded variables are solved through little changes of simplex tableau.

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正在我按下快门的一刹那,柱状白蚁发生‘自爆’,白蚁自身和另外一只蚂蚁同时被一种黄色胶质液体固定在了一起。Just as I clicked the shutter there was a splash of yellow, and both ants were immobilized in a sticky, grotesque tableau.

新德里街道生活图片。国会大厦在他们之后在右侧,民间舞蹈者游行用一个活人画显示迈索尔宫殿在印度的国庆节。With Parliament House behind them at right, folk dancers parade with a tableau showing Mysore Palace on India's Republic Day.

而有关美国宗教自由的理想最近所引发的大讨论对这种言过其实的说法大多也只是一片吹捧罢了。And much of the recent conversation about America’s ideal of religious freedom has paid lip service to this comforting tableau.