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目前,苏茜正在重修英国普通中等英语,打算上大学。Suzi is now re-taking GCSE English and plans to go to college.

某些学校提供一年的gcse课程或进阶级基础课程。Some schools offer either a one year GCSE course or an A-level Foundation course.

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另外有50多万16—24岁的年轻人只有一个普通中等教育毕业考试证书或者相等的学历。More than half a million other 16 to 24-year-olds had only one GCSE or the equivalent.

尽管成立只有两周年,英国广播公司普通教育证书比特塞斯网站,已成为为学校建立的互联网站之父。Though only two years old, the BBC's GCSE Bitesize is the daddy of internet sites for schools.

其中48名九年级学生在该课程前并未接触过任何GCSE科学课程提纲。The 48 year-nine pupils had not covered any part of the GCSE science syllabus before the lessons.

详细分析一所学校的GCSE考试成绩,你通常能在学校公开日的夜晚得到一份。Get a detailed breakdown of a school's GCSE results – they're usually handed out at open evenings.

伦敦克林汉姆学院是一所私立的、男女合校GCSE和应试辅导中学学院,建于1975年。Collingham is an independent, co-educational GCSE and Sixth Form college, which was founded in 1975.

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就在格雷西出生的前几周,约旦还在备考普通中等教育证书,但他说自己很清楚自己的责任。Jordan, who sat his final GCSE just weeks before Gracie arrived, said he understands responsibility.

我想学中文还因为我可以在会考时考中文,将来可以找到好工作。I also want to learn Chinese so I can do Chinese GCSE and get a good job in future. Carla-fay Furlong.

学校在以往在会考方面取得很好的成绩,在各比赛中亦取得多项奖项。The school has achieved excellent GCSE results over the years and has won various awards from competitions.

他们还发现非洲和孟加拉国的女生在过去的几年里大幅度的提高了他们在普通中等教育考试中的成绩。They also discovered that African and Bangladeshi girls had vastly improved their GCSE grades in the last few years.

该项研究结果在英国中学通用教育证书考试成绩公布的一周后推出,今年的考试结果男孩和女孩的成绩差距不断扩大。The findings come just over a week after exam results revealed that the gap between boys and girls at GCSE is widening.

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该提议的提出早于周四GCSE结果发布,是英国工商业联合会提出五点计划之一。The proposal, announced ahead of the release of GCSE results on Thursday, is part of a five-point plan set out by the CBI.

然而,许多学校运行三年的GCSE课程,从第9年开始,有些考试在第10年和第11年进行。Many schools, however, run three-year GCSE programmes, which startin Year 9, with some exams being taken in Year 10 and some in Year 11.

目前在英国还有13所孔子学院和54家孔子课堂。Last September, the British government made mandarin another GCSE subject. There are now 13 Confucius Institutes and 54 Confucius Classrooms in the UK.

学者指出,在英国普通中等教育考试上,工人阶级的孩子和中产阶级的孩子分别得到5个A+和5个C的学生在白人中相差最大。The gap between the proportion of working-class pupils and middle-class pupils who achieve five A* to C grades at GCSE is largest among white pupils, academics found.

首相说在伦敦最贫困的区域有两所学校——翰墨史密斯的柏林顿-戴恩斯学园和南瓦克的华尔沃兹学园,它们的学生在GCSE考试中取得了不俗的成绩。The prime minister said two schools in deprived parts of London – Burlington Danes Academy in Hammersmith, and Walworth Academy in Southwark – had achieved impressive results at GCSE.

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这份分析报告汇集了700,000来自于公立学校女孩的GCSEs成绩,其结论是相比较男女同校,女校的学生有着更大更持续的进步。The analysis of the GCSE scores of more than 700, 000 girls taught in the state sector concludes that those at girls' schools consistently made more progress than those in co-ed secondaries.

Ofsted也参观了一所高中,这所学校全年跟踪调查11名15至16岁的学生,而这些学生都是有可能在高中毕业考试取得比预期较低的成绩。Ofsted also visited a high school which identified all year 11 students – 15-16-year-olds – who were at risk of falling short of their expected GCSE grades as having special educational needs.

英国GCSE考试是在义务教育结束时进行的一种证书考试,该考试在英国已实行十余年之久,有诸多成功之处。British GCSE Examination is a certificate examination carried out at the end of compulsory education. This examination has been carried out for over ten years. it has much successful experience.