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洛塞生态系统位于印度尼西亚最西边的省份——亚齐省内。The Leuser ecosystem is in Aceh, Indonesia's westernmost province.

它是中国最西的地方。它也是拥有市场的绿洲。It is the westernmost city in China. It's also an oasis with markets.

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从欧洲最西边的雷克雅未克说起,欧洲多数城市看上去都让人无比兴奋。From Reykjavik, at the westernmost periphery of Europe, most cities look exciting.

这张太空照片是其最西边的马太瓦环礁的图像。This astronaut photograph features Mataiva Atoll, the westernmost atoll of the Tuamotu chain.

最西端的尖角型则设计为前三期主景观带的延续。The westernmost sharp angle is designed for landscape continuation of the previous three phases.

葡萄牙与西班牙双双地处欧洲最西部,那里被称为利比里亚半岛。Portugal and Spain share the land on the westernmost point of Europe, called the Iberian peninsula.

阿尔伯达省位于加拿大的西部,也是草原诸省中最西部的一个省份。Alberta is located in the western part of Canada and is the westernmost among the Prairie Provinces.

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奥地利最西部Vorarlberg省许多阿尔卑斯山脉的小村庄和山谷,鲜少能吸引即便是国人的眼球。THE alpine hamlets and valleys of Vorarlberg, Austria's westernmost province, rarely attract much attention, even at home.

葡萄牙西部一海角,位于里斯本西北偏西的大西洋上。该海角是欧洲大陆的最西端。A cape of western Portugal on the Atlantic Ocean west-northwest of Lisbon. It is the westernmost extremity of continental Europe.

在国家海岸线海湾群岛最西端的卡特岛上,一些沾满油污的褐鹈鹕蜷缩在一起。Oil-stained brown pelican chicks huddle on Cat Island, a barrier island forming the westernmost point of Gulf Islands National Seashore.

只是躺在跨越巴拉望,这是最西边的岛屿西方维萨亚斯,民都洛省接壤的西北和朗布隆北面。Just lying across Palawan, it is the westernmost island of the Western Visayas, bordering Mindoro on the northwest and Romblon on the north.

她隶属于葡萄牙首都里斯本管辖的小镇辛特拉,同时也形成了辛特拉小镇最西边的锯齿状海岸延伸。The cape is in the Portuguese municipality of Sintra, west of Lisbon district, and also forms the westernmost extent of the Serra de Sintra.

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塞内加尔西部的一个半岛,突出伸入大西洋。它最先在445年被葡萄人发现,是非洲的最西点。A peninsula of western Senegal projecting into the Atlantic Ocean. First sighted by the Portuguese in 445, it is the westernmost point of Africa.

除了欧洲大陆的领土以外,大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛都是葡萄牙的领土。Being the westernmost country of mainland Europe, Portugal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east.

加拿大西北领地西北部一岛屿,位于北冰洋内维多利亚岛以西。是北极群岛最西的岛屿。An island of northwest Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean west of Victoria Island. It is the westernmost island of the Arctic Archipelago.

葡萄牙位于欧洲西南利比亚半岛的西南部和西部,是欧洲大陆最西面的国家。Portugal is located on the west and southwest parts of the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe, and is the westernmost country in continental Europe.

从欧洲最西边的雷克雅未克说起,欧洲多数城市看上去都让人无比兴奋。不过,我们冰岛人还是发现了欧洲这几大城市之间的差异。From Reykjavik, at the westernmost periphery of Europe, most cities look exciting. However, we Icelanders do detect a difference among the great cities of Europe.

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环保也可以这么有节日气氛。日前,加拿大最西部地区的两家新兴企业推出一项生态环保型圣诞树的租赁服务。Going "green" has never been so festive as in westernmost Canada where two start-ups are offering an eco-friendly Christmas tree rental service for the holiday period.

它的目的是方便和扩大其在校园西边的感知力,从哈得逊河流域可看到其惊人的外观。It was designed to be easily accessible and to extend the perception of the campus to its westernmost edge, which is strikingly visible from the Hudson River down below.

最西边的束鹿凹陷内最主要的断裂带为牛家桥一百尺口断裂带,新河县就位于这个断裂带以东。Shulu the westernmost major depression within the fault zone for the one cow from strength to strength I Bridge fault zone, the new county is located east of the fault zone.