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这朵花是没有目的的——它是没有用途的。And this flowering is purposeless -- it has no utility.

如果你认为现在的生活豪无目的,那么只要再看一下。If you find your present life purposeless just look again.

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如果你认为现在的生活豪无目的,那么只要再看一下。If you find your present life purposeless just looks again.

禁止人身攻击或是笔战。Personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts is not allowed.

所以,我总是自我逃避,漫无目的的生活。Therefore I tended to run away from myself, leading a purposeless life.

不经思考的言语就像是漫无目标的乱射。Spoken language without thinking sounds like the purposeless random shoots.

他的人生漫无目的,他永远都不会知道自己已经实现了什么。His is a purposeless life and he will never be known for the things he has accomplished.

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然后,伊莎告诉我们,生命的最后两年里,她感觉自己迷失了方向。Lastly, it was Isa. She told us that for the last two years, she felt lost, purposeless.

时间是无限的,而无时间性会导致静止不动,人就仿佛被卡在生活中而动弹不得。Time is infinite, but without the awareness of time, one would become purposeless and confined in life.

如果申请者们不能以真实生活中他们想做的事来支撑他们的这些观点,那他们的论文就会现含糊而无目的性。If applicants don't back this up with real-life examples of what they want to do, it comes off as sounding vague and purposeless.

两天的暴风雨使我欣喜万分,但我首先喜欢的还是这漫长的无所事事的日子,在这些日子里,我抛弃了旧我,脱胎换骨,获得了新生。I have been exhilarated by two days of storm, but above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been.

我属于那群对传统宗教不买账的科学家,但是我却否认宇宙是一个没有目的的事故。I belong to the group of scientists who do not subscribe to a conventional religion but nevertheless deny that the universe is a purposeless accident.

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如果他是正确的,对有些人来说,比起目前这个最终用唯物主义和没有目的性来解释的生物世界,Conway-Morris眼中的那个看起来可就舒服多了。If it is, it may prove more palatable to some people than the current interpretation of the biological world as ultimately materialist and purposeless.

他提倡的每一种节约努力的方法捷径,越能强烈地自制越能用简单的笔触表达出客观实在最少的快速涂鸦。Economy of effort in every way, he preached, the sharpest self-control, the fewest strokes possible to express a fact, the least slapping about of purposeless paint.

没有有效的管理,组织将不可避免地把成员的精力和其它资源浪费在随意的、无目的的、甚至降低生产力的活动中。Without effective management, organizations inevitably dissipate members' energies and other resources in random, purposeless , and even counter-productive activity.

既然进化很少发生,亦或发生无意识的生理反映,也就很合乎逻辑地设想到哭具有某种或更多的有助于提高幸存能力的功能。Since evolution has given rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological response, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival.

设计的场地是初建于30年前,后经过一系列无序扩建而成的原鹿鸣酒家建筑群。Design started from a declined waterfront restaurant first constructed 30 years ago, which resulted in a series of disordered buildings after several purposeless extensions.

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而更多的城市尤其是亚洲的城市则因忙碌奔波而神不守舍,失去了只有在暮秋的静晤中才能展现的韵味。Meanwhile, people in more cities, especially those Asian ones, keep rushing about, soulless and purposeless and neglecting the sedateness felt only in the late-autumn tranquility and serenity.