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您为何是一位扶轮社友?Why are you a Rotarian?

我为何会成为一位扶轮社友。The club made me an honorary Rotarian.

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当然,每位扶轮社员都有自己的家庭。Of course, each Rotarian has a personal family.

尹前总监于2002-03年度获选为「3450地区当年最佳扶轮社员」。He was awarded " Rotarian of the Year" of District 3450 in 2002-03.

而且关怀扶轮社员家庭及宝眷只会强化扶轮。And caring for Rotarian families and spouses can only strengthen Rotary.

我是位扶轮社员,因为扶轮是把人们联系在一起,而我要的是一个更美好的世界。I am a Rotarian because Rotary brings people together and I want a better world.

施当恒自1974年成为扶轮社员,在1996-98年担任国际扶轮理事。A Rotarian since 1974, Stenhammar served on the RI Board of Directors in 1996-98.

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每个扶轮社员必须订阅英文扶轮月刊或其他扶轮杂志。Every Rotarian must subscribe to either The Rotarian or one of the other Rotary magazines.

运用她的技巧在哥伦比亚去保卫人权。刊登于英文扶轮月刊内。Kelly Nicholls applies her skills to defend human rights in Colombia. Inside The Rotarian.

但最棒的是,这个百年纪念的梦想就在各位手中─因为你们是扶轮社员。And the amazing thing is this Centennial dream is in your hands — because you are Rotarian.

做为社长,我今天要呼吁,如同作为扶轮社的一份子一样的做出要求,希望你们持续建造扶轮社。I ask you today as President, and as a Rotarian like each you, to continue building Rotary.

避难所箱盒是出席国际扶轮年会许多得社员所瞭解的计画之一。ShelterBox is one of many Rotarian projects that attendees can learn about at the convention.

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她和一个扶轮社员朋友同游印度时,首次亲眼目睹赤贫的惨况。While touring India with a Rotarian friend, she witnessed extreme poverty for the first time.

想像有位员工从身为扶轮社类的雇主所订的标准上学到优点。Imagine an employee who learns strength of character from the standards set by the Rotarian employer.

如今我要以身为扶轮社员的一份子,回馈扶轮基金会,并支助下一代的大使奖学生。I now want to give back and support future generations of Ambassadorial Scholars as a Rotarian myself.

例如身为牙医师的扶轮社员义务为这些小朋友服务,教导他们保持口腔卫生。For instance, Rotarian dentists volunteer their services to the youngsters and teach them oral hygiene.

地区总监运输公的老闆兼扶轮社员合作,请他捐出一辆大型拖车。DG Susan Cook partnered with Rotarian Paul Hammond, owner of Muskoka Transport, who donated a huge trailer.

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他相信扶轮基金会提供一个很大机会让每位扶轮社员能使世界成为更好的地方。He believes it offers a great opportunity for every Rotarian to contribute to make the world a better place.

扶轮给贫苦者过给更好的生活的机会-那就是我一辈子都要当扶轮社员的理由。Rotary gives the needy a chance for a better life — that's the main reason I will be a Rotarian all my life.

他是扶轮社会员,也是长老教会员,凭以上任何一个事实,都能证明他是真实存在的人物。He was a Rotarian and a Presbyterian, and he deserves to be remembered at least for having a verifiable existence.