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他深恶虚伪。He abominates falsehood.

李教授很憎恶虚伪。Professor Lee abominates falsehood.

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谎言是灾祸的骑师。Falsehood is the jockey of misfortune.

屈丽娜看出撒谎是再容易也没有了。Trina had found falsehood easier than ever.

幸福是谎言,所以我还优哉游哉地做孤鬼野魂!Eudemonia is falsehood so I'm alone &still around!

这种错误的说法会长久存在,当然有其理由。There's a reason the falsehood persists, of course.

加速死亡的十件事真理还是谬误?The accelerated death "ten things truth or falsehood?"

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因此,所谓“两个马克思”的断裂不过是一种认识佯谬而已。So, only in knowledge, the fracture of two Marx is falsehood.

从道德上来说,是类似于怯懦和虚伪的东西?And speaking morally, something like cowardice and falsehood?

分清真理和谬误有时很难。It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.

除真主外,你们只崇拜偶像,你们只捏造妄言。For ye do worship idols besides Allah, and ye invent falsehood.

夸张是谎言的血亲,应同样受到责备。An exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood and nearly as blamable.

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扯淡艺术家,另一方面,丝毫不关心真实或谎言。The bull artist, on the other hand, cares nothing for truth or falsehood.

这同样也需要有辨别是非的能力。This too requires judging—we need to be able to discern truth from falsehood.

他们共同的命运揭露了美国白人社会民主与人权的虚伪性。Their common fate debunks the falsehood of American human rights and democracy.

你们对答的话中既都错谬,怎么徒然安慰我呢?How then comfort ye me in vain, seeing in your answers there remaineth falsehood?

对轻信者来说,邪恶的假相可能与美好的真相一样有市场。The evil of falsehood can claim as much purchase on the credulous as the good of truth.

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网络信息可能是虚假的,所以马赫导致一个错误的决策。The network information may be falsehood so mach as leading to a wrong decision-making.

现代泛突厥主义理论所制造的“东突厥斯坦”问题没有历史依据。The issues of the East Turkistan created by the modern pan-turkisism is quite falsehood.

当然,我们不可能罗列全所有可能的和现实中的谎言的变种。Of course we have not listed all of the possible and necessary deviations from falsehood.