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他是旁遮普省的省长。Well, he was the governor of Punjab.

旁遮普邦锡克族的挑战已不构成威胁。The Sikh challenge in the Punjab has dissipated.

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尊敬的旁遮普省首席部长夏巴兹阁下Hon. Mr. Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab

我估计IPM会被旁遮普全省接受。I predict IPM will be accepted in the whole Punjab.

很多人转移到旁遮普省和信德省的中心地区。Some moved on to urban centres in Punjab and Sindh provinces.

在西北边境省受影响的人口约有20万人,旁遮普省有10万人。Some 200 000 people were affected in NWFP and 100 000 in Punjab.

加齐将被葬在旁遮普省他的老家。Ghazi is to be buried in his ancestral village in Punjab province.

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很多朝圣者来自临近的旁遮普邦。Many of the worshippers were from the neighboring state of Punjab.

Punjab南部地区作为圣战组织和派别活动的中心而声名狼藉。Southern Punjab is a notorious hub of sectarian and jihadi activity.

他是旁遮普邦“中国之友协会”的会长。He is also the president of 'Friends of China Association' of Punjab.

他们中的其中一人是哈奴曼辛格,另一人是从旁遮普邦而来的穆斯林。One of them was Hanuman Singh and the other a Mussalman from the Punjab.

他们不可能只给这些孩子解毒,他们必须消除整个旁遮普邦的污染。They can't just detoxify these kids, they have to detoxify the whole Punjab.

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国大党可望在诸如喀拉拉、拉贾斯坦和旁遮普等邦中有好的表现。Congress will hope to make good in, for example, Kerala, Rajasthan and Punjab.

旁遮普省官员说,该省有200多人被逮捕。Punjab officials said more than 200 people in the province have been arrested.

有报导说,洪水正在朝着南部的旁遮普省和信德省方向移动。Floodwaters were also reportedly moving southwards towards Punjab and Sindh provinces.

警察和特种反恐部队参与了旁泽普省各地的多次搜捕。Police and special counter-terrorism units have taken part in many raids across Punjab.

据悉,印度沿Punjab的巴基斯坦边境已经部署了三个高空气球。India has deployed its three aerostats along the Pakistani border in the state of Punjab.

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旁遮普东北部古吉兰瓦拉伊斯兰学校提供免费食宿。Free meals and lodging are provided by this madrassa in Gujranwala in northeastern Punjab.

当局称有许多人在周日的爆炸中受伤。Authorities say there were dozens of injuries in Sunday's blast in Chakwal, Punjab province.

扎尔达里随后解散了旁遮普立法机关并宣布在旁遮普施行总统令。Mr Zardari then dismissed the province’s legislature and declared president’s rule in Punjab.